NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

If China had asked the CDC to come in this would have been stopped before it got out of Wuhan, just like the CDC stopped the Ebola outbreak in Africa in 2014.

They are an awful race of people

The NHS is going to collapse is 4 weeks.

I think Boris has probably bought Anglo-Saxon civilisation an extra month of survival with his promise to pay the pub workers wages. However I think his decision not to test NHS workers for Corona virus is “interesting”.

The mortality rate will go through the roof

If you’ve had it and recovered in places that are further along than us, are people being allowed back out after the 14 days or are they still locked down?

NHS hospital doctor Guddi Singh said it’s a certainty that the UK will have an Italy style situation on their hands in two weeks, perhaps days, on C4 News there.

It wouldn’t have been because Trump absolutely gutted the CDC whereas Obama didn’t.

If Trump wanted to one thing for America and for humanity, he’d resign right now.

Instead he’s turned his daily “briefings” into racist political rallies.

America’s response to this crisis has been the worst of any major country and that’s an indisputable fact. That’s entirely on Trump.

Even worse than Bojo

Interesting watching the penny slowly dropping on the UK news channels.
They are going through the different phases of resistence, realization and subsequent fear but a good week or 2 behind us.
The lassez faire approach up to now over there likely to have cost thousands of lives

“Great answer Mike”

I think you are being extremely charitable there mate. This is the same Boris who trousered in excess of 20k for an hour of an appearance at the insurance company annual shindig recently.
A sociopath, a traitor and an utter utter cunt of a man.


Do us all a favor who have this psychopath on ignore and don’t copy his posts.

For the record, there have been no cuts to the CDC. Their budget, which is set by congress, has been increased every year. Whatever issues they have have, and they have had issues, have nothing to do with funding.


Come up to manc mate. Seriously, pm me.
If not serious, shure we can die together

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Keep calm and carry on.

I’ll copy whoever’s posts I like.


Fair enough, I’ll put you on ignore as well.