NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Fucking hell. To call it a headshot doesn’t do justice.

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Whatever you want.

Stage six I’d say

Cool as a cucumber mate.

This is so true!

Waht are you afraid of? Will your god not have a place for you?

Trump makes Johnson look like Churchill/FDR rolled into one. How bad do you have to be to do that?

It’s hilarious seeing @labane1917 putting anybody who sees through his bullshit on ignore.

Exactly what authoritarians who think they can cover up pandemics do.

thanks mate, we are not at stage 4 yet, but that could change. You could regret that offer :slight_smile:

It may cost thousands of lives but how much did they save by delaying taking action? Lets face it, governments slowness to take the steps necessary is all about saving money rather than lives.

No they were just being idiots. Rule Brittania, stiff upper lip, Get Brexit done etc etc. The loons have taken over the asylum over there and that’s no maybe

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Right-wing media has a hell of a lot to answer for. They’ve actively exacerbated this pandemic. Rejection of science and rejection of truth are tribal right-wing identifiers.

Actual enemies of the people.

Quite so. And in this instance they are enabling the deaths of so many. I fear little will change however, the likes of Bojo and Trump cannot exist without such a bias media

Mother of jaysus call the cops there has been a murder :joy:

Best of luck with it all my friend


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Yes, @ChairmanDan is.

Correct but imagine what he must be going through seeing the apocolypse transpire in his native home every day and night the last month. I think a pardon is called for here

There’s been very few cases in Armagh

The townspeople of Armagh, Lombardi tell a different story

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It will bankrupt Britain. Some contingent liability guaranteeing that amount of money for an unknown number of people…and no way you can turn that tap off in 3 months