NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Not being a regular reader of the WaPo or viewer of CNN I cannot comment on their coverage now compared to January and February, it’s just that you seem hugely upset about them asking legitimate questions of the President about his handling and approach - as you said, he didn’t take it seriously nor did the House of reps intelligence committee. Just because their reporting wasn’t spot on from the beginning does not make the questions any less legitimate. It’s hard to not see you as a Trumper when you constantly follow his lead by bashing the media when they question him by calling them names and accusing them of TDS. Like I said in a post a few days ago, he is the man. So he gets the questions.

If you’e not a regular reader of the WaPo, or a regular watcher of CNN, then you’re not in a position to comment on this question.

89 new cases for the Brits today.

What’s their testing policy, are they only testing the dead?

OK then, assuming you have digested the entirety of the WaPo and CNN coverage on the virus and decided that they don’t get to ask questions of the President of the USA about why he didn’t take this seriously, I can only assume you have done so for several other if not all media outlets.
Which ones can ask him that question then? I’ll fire them off an email explaining your reasoning and maybe they’ll ask him and maybe, juuuuuuuust maybe, he’ll give a truthful and forthright answer.

Also, where do you get the time?

Any tweets from Alex Jones you can furnish us with, mate?

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody ever go bigger on the old far-right canard of false equivalence more than @labane1917.

He’s almost Russian bit-like in his relentlessness. Incidentally it’s largely forgotten now but @labane1917 was quite the admirer of Putin back around 2017.

He’s sort of quietly jettisoned that stance over the last few years.

That is the figure for Wales. The rest of uk not released yet

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Where did I say they don’t get to ask questions?

The time for what? Do you watch RTE in the evenings?

Low German death rate explained
“The OECD reports that the UK has just 6.6 ICU beds per 100,000 people, compared with Germany’s 29.2, Italy’s 12.5 and France’s 9.7. Our hospital bed to population ratio in England is 2.3 per 1000 compared with 12 in Korea, 4.3 in China, 4.2 in Scotland, 3.6 in Italy and 2.8 in the USA.”

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Words have consequences.

A particular poster has used the word “irresponsible” in this thread on several occasions - but not once about Trump, only about those questioning him about his shameful carry on.

A key characteristic of fascism is the butchering of language.

In fairness how fucking stupid would you have to be to take medical advice from a plank like Donald Trump


That isn’t really the point though, is it. A lot of stupid people exist, so it’s sort of best if they don’t have stupid people with a platform to allow them to wallow even more in their own stupidity.

The USA has five or 6 times the population of Italy.

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And over four times smaller a population than China.

I’m safe thanks. I think you’ve been using too much social media. I think sometimes when people are under a lot of stress they can overreact to little things and later on they can realise that the things that annoyed them were only small. Unlike Sid you actually have a life so I set a higher bar for you. It’s important that you take care of yourself because this thread would be unthinkable without you.

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Quite right, you didn’t expressly say that and my apologies but your vitriol towards them for doing so based on what you say has been their poor coverage led me to believe that you as a regular subscriber to their coverage are qualified to make the call that they should not have done so and so cannot be taken at face value or in good faith on the matter.
So it’s not a big jump to assume that you are a regular consumer of all other (major anyway) media outlets so I will ask again. Which media outlet/carrier/whatever has covered the coronavirus well enough so that they can ask the President of the USA the legitimate (in my opinion anyway) question of why he did not take it seriously despite having intelligence reports and briefings on it without raising his, or more importantly your, ire?