NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

US media needs to stop broadcasting this shit as long as Trump is intent on turning it into a disinformation session/racist political rally. Trump and Pence need to get the fuck off the stage and let yer man Fauci and other actual experts talk.

Maybe “One America News Network” is the “news organisation” @labane1917 would like to be given the job of asking “questions” to Trump?

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I think that’s why he considers him a friend…

Which is it? Is he anti China or pro China

A good few in this banned for reporting on xinjang

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Did somebody say dictatorship?

It’s like watching lions feed on a nature documentary

Did somebody say anti-vaccine earlier? They did, didn’t they?

I’ve a feeling one or both of trump/boris will be shot dead in the next six weeks

Today is World autism day

Tucker on the money here. The best Fox News anchor by a mile


You tooling up, mate?

One bullet, which scumbag gets it?

  • Dopey Donald ‘It’s all a hoax’ Trump
  • Bumbling Boris ‘Nothing to see here’ Johnsons

0 voters

The NHS will be overwhelmed because he sat on his arse because “the markets”.


Thats actually shocking. Some real white collar scum out there

Politicians should not be permitted to own shares.

Sure the current situation is Trump is unbelievably corrupt. He’s openly using his position to make vast sums of money for himself. For that alone he should be locked up.

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