NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Boris will mangle Britain so I’ll give trump the bullet

Its terrible, there he is today giving platitudes to small business ‘the engine of our nation’ and he and his boys creaming it off the top and using the virus and ensuing fear and panic to cream even more. How low can people go?

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He’s doing well in the big vote mind you. I think with Trump is he’s a crook, he knows it, you know it everbody knows, he doesn’t bother ever trying much to hide it.

With Eton and Oxbridge bumbling Boris he sees himself as something he is not, a unifier of sorts, a Churchill in all but name. Not only has he been caught on the back foot here it’s also become palpable that he manifestly could not give one flying fuck about the people he purports to serve. Calling on people to not visit there mothers now like he’s just turned the news on last day or so and saw there was a lot of people suddenly getting sick for some reason. What a cunt


Well what a surprise.

If Britain sneezes Ireland will be in the shit.

We’re all in the shit friend.

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I agree. But people wishing it more on Britain than Ireland is strange because financially Ireland may need Britain coming out of this. As in everything this will go away after much devastation. But the repair job will be financial to get our lives back on track

No ones wishing it more on Britain than the brits themselves brother

I dunno about that. I’ve two sisters living and working over there and I’m pretty sure most Irish people will have friends and relatives over theretoo. Any dumb fucks rubbing their hands together with glee over Tan land getting worse than us haven’t thought it through too well yet.


It’s really sad to see some of the rhetoric around this. Lads who don’t live in a country yet are utterly preoccupied with how badly “they are doing over there”. Of course they would love to say how badly Ireland is doing also as they hate their own government as well, but so far things are not too bad so they have to stay quiet.

This UK/US thread is a cesspit. As an Irish American the equivalent would be for me to set up a Italian/Spanish/French thread and post up every tweet from every cunt having a pop at their governments and their preparation and response. I won’t though because this is impacting every country and every death is the same to their families.

Would people just cop on and accept that nobody was prepared for this and leave the post mortems until all the dead are buried and we can try and piece things back together.

Are you going to have a moratorium on blaming China?

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Maybe if said nations didn’t vote for such complete and utter self serving charlatans they wouldn’t be as deserving of suck scrutiny. Not like they weren’t forewarned Whatever about voting for them still defending them when they patently don’t give a flying fiddlers is perhaps even more alarming

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Typo. Its Chi-na

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On this thread? Yes. When this is over though there needs to be a serious conversation about how these pathogens are hopping to humans, and about the urgent need to communicate between countries when a pathogen emerges that we need to deal with urgently.

I honestly don’t think there are many other countries who would not raise their hand and ask for help, North Korea obviously. Read up on the Ebola outbreak of 2014 and how that was handled.

I didn’t vote for the current Government in the UK but many did. Democracy is sometimes overated as it doesn’t include the necessity to have a brain or indeed an input into general life.

Any chance we can knock this fake narrative on the head? Ordinary people are lashing certain useless politicians out of it precisely because they desperately want to avoid a catastrophe that the inaction and downright disgraceful behaviour those same politicians is pushing us into.

Ironically it’s these same politicians who themselves have an end times mentality and would only love to see chaos unleashed upon the world.

Evil thrives in chaos.

Remember what Trump said on Fox News in 2014: “You know what solves it? When the economy crashes, when the country goes to total hell and everything is a disaster, then you’ll have a, you know, you’ll have riots to go back to where we used to be when we were great.”

The study’s authors — political scientists Michael Bang Petersen and Mathias Osmundsen of Aarhus University in Denmark, and Kevin Arceneaux of Temple University — found that Trump supporters were far more likely than other voters to be sympathetic toward statements such as “I fantasize about a natural disaster wiping out most of humanity such that a small group of people can start all over” and “I think society should be burned to the ground.”

So you’ll continue sledging China elsewhere?

You are seriously deranged, like your buddy Sid, probably his influence. Trying to debate with you is like debating an absolute simpleton. The US has never been prepared for a pandemic like this, nor has any western country. You are seeing the evidence for that all around you, cop on ffs.

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