NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

I will continue to raise the issues that led to this pandemic and how it can be stopped in the future. The first step is every country committing to transparency when they discover a new pathogen. The next step is for all countries to be prepared for a pandemic, none are outside a few Asian countries.

The mentality of eejits like you is that if somebody wants to see somebody punished for committing rape, you’d make them out to be “hoping that woman was raped”.

None of the Italian, Spanish and French governments called the virus a hoax or tried to cover it up or refused to test or had a plan to holocaust 250k of their own people.

The US/UK governments did all of those things.

So what you want is for you to have the ability to say what you want and other people to be censored. Gotcha

Politicians in general are irrelevant in this. Does anyone seriously think this would be handled better if Jeremy Corbyn was UK PM, or Hillary Clinton won in the US?

The only people that matter here are the scientists and the health care workers, and the public following the advice of scientists. There have been mistakes and there will be more mistakes, but it’s really the only shot we have.


It’s truly astounding that somebody can think the US president callling the virus a hoax has no impact or that the decisions of politicians have no impact in this.

Truly astounding.

And the irony was that he was claiming the exact opposite about China.

Wrong you are the deranged one. All it takes is a mention of Trump and you morph into some kind of gargoyle yank you’d usually just witness on some Louis Theroux ducumentary. You lose all sense of perspective and reason and its a shame to behold. He is a backward step for humanity, any rational thinking person can see this and now his backwardness is being brutally exposed at a cost of the deaths of our oldest and most vulnerable. Given, as you say yourself, no one was prepared, we can only measure then on how we respond and sorry to break this to you but Trump is at the very bottom of the list in that regard along with his poodle bitch Bojo

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I’m not asking for anyone to be censored. Say what you like and it will be challenged.

Ask yourself the question of the people you are defending here. The UK and the US are two countries that are impacted just like every other country. The virus didn’t originate in their countries nor did they cover it up until it had spread worldwide. Why would you be so preoccupied with those two countries, and not countries that have actually had far more deaths? Have a think about the answer.

So, Trump is to blame for the dead in Italy, Spain, France, Ireland?

I’m not preoccupied about anywhere only Ireland, right now mate.

Why are you so preoccupied with China? Think about it mate

Deary me

I’m not talking about you, that was directed at Sid and Sid light.

I’m preoccupied with China because that’s where SARS originated and MERS originated and they acted the same, cover it up and fuck the consequences for other countries. We got lucky with SARS and MERS, we’ve run out of luck on this one. Shame on us for not preparing, but these pathogens have to be stopped at source and that involves getting China to comply.

Have a think about that.

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You are being wilfully stupid here, obtuse even. Sad to see it

You are seriously wrong in the head. You only want to win arguments when people are dying.

But you asked for everyone to stop with the post mortems until all the dead are buried, while continuing with a post mortem.

I find that a bit hypocritical to be honest

Thats the Trump doctrine right there

People need to start seeing the Trump regime less in terms of incompetence and more in terms of evil.

It’s my view that they have a concerted strategy to mask their evil nature with incompetence. They prefer people to focus on the incompetence because it’s more “acceptable” than the alternative.

Cummings is cut from the same cloth. Johnson only cares about power.

Lads, hurl the ball for fucks sake.

Questioning a fellas sanity is poor form at the moment.

Your exact statement was “his backwardness is being exposed at a cost of the deaths of our oldest and most vulnerable”.

How is Trump or the US government responsible for the deaths of anyone outside the US on his one? Judge him on what happens in the US.

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He’s lost the plot altogether, sad but I hope he gets it together again before we start hurling in anger this year