NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

Incorrect. My daughter is on the front lines as a nurse, so go fuck yourself with that comment.

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If you want to argue against something nobody said you should set up an alter ego, though it appears there are already several of them contained within your existing account.

I see, so he’s fixed corona and no more deaths in USA. Please give the Donal my humble apologies

I can’t imagine how difficult that must be man.

Totally true but if all your drive is power you’ll fail.
Maggie with tears in her eyes pulling out of Downing St is my favourite image ever. I’d say the first tears to come out of them eyes

A post mortem on how badly we are prepared for pandemics and how best to respond to them, we are in the midst of one and have to deal with it as best we can.

You obviously don’t get the issue with China, it’s the difference between stopping a pandemic at source and dealing with it after it’s off and running. Two very different issues.

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You really are a moron, about at his level actually.

As Ian Hislop said at the time her tears were only for herself.

I’m going to bail out of this debate now @anon7035031 man. We’ll pick it up again, I’m fatigued from covid-19

Best of luck to your girl

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Thanks mate, I’m out as well.

Also speaking of ‘exact statements’ I note you casually sidestepped my point about Governments being measured by response as opposed to being prepared, and as previously expressed I believ your boy Trump could have responded a lot better and saved many of the US lives that are about to perish in the coming weeks

Wouldn’t call it the front line. Getting paid to do a job. My wife is a nurse and really enjoys her job helping people but hates shit like that.

Lovely, Don would have been proud of that one himself.
There is a real monkey see monkey do approach to your posting style when it come to President Trump, its not uncute either in its own way truth told

Thread - the point is, Trump has continually purged expertise from his regime in a Stalin-like manner. When you do that, you end up with lackeys. And unsurprisingly, a regime made up of lackeys hasn’t a clue what to do in a pandemic. Like they’d actually give a shit about what to do.

There were 3 role-playing scenarios: hurricane, pandemic and cyber incident. Obama team discussed need to anticipate requirements, stay ahead of challenges and provide resources quickly

The goal was to acquaint Trump officials with how to coordinate around major incidents. 2/6

The pandemic role-playing scenario involved:

-“Novel influenza” with infections in Asia and Europe
-Efficient person-to-person transmission
-Insufficient lab capacities
-Travel bans
-Lag time before it comes to U.S.
-Need for vaccine
-Ventilator shortages

Sound familiar?

In event of a pandemic, Trump team was told:

-Pandemics can start in other countries and don’t respect borders
-Science must guide decisions
-Federal/state collaboration is key
-Consistent messaging needed
-Social distancing recommended
-“Days - and even hours - can matter”

Thirty Trump officials attended the exercise (Cabinet and senior White House staff)… But the vast majority of these officials are no longer in government When you’re dealing with a crisis like #COVID19, stable and experienced leadership matters.

Bottom line: when Trump says “we were all surprised” by #COVID19, he shouldn’t have been. The Obama team warned Trump’s staff about a possible pandemic. Whether it was lack of preparation or staff turnover, the necessary work wasn’t done to get in front of this. /END

Fellas pulling the personal now because they cant handle or lost an argument. Not a lad here I’d say who doesn’t have someone on the front line one way or the other. Sympathy merchants they’d sicken your hole

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I hope your wife and @labane1917’s daughter stay well in this crisis.

The rest of @labane1917’s contribution here has been truly awful.

My wife is desperately trying to stay working but because she is taking a drug for a minor skin issue she might not be able to. She has only just qualified after 4 hard years at 50yrs of age. She loves her job but she also realises she’s not Florence


Haven’t been following the US impact closely iv enough to worry about here , but are they in trouble??

Is the curve bad ?

Look at what’s trending in the uk
You literally couldn’t make it up