NZ, UK, US, Sweden, Poland & Cheese eating surrender Monkeys approaches to Covid-19

It’s a hell of a time to be coming into it. Hope all works out well.

Where in UK are you Paddy? I hear the streets of London are paved with gold again

I see you can still fly ordinary scheduled services from Russia to the US no problem. Funny that, innih.

Birmingham . We’re going to be the new London. Only for this pesky cold that’s going around.

Only bums in Brum bro. Theres a couple of plasterers from Glenamaddy there who might sort you out if you’re ever stuck for a gaff.

US has overtaken Spain in total cases. That’s a fairly remarkable bolt up the rankings in 3-4 days.

New York is simply riddled.

New York hospitals have continued to see a sharp increase in COVID-19 cases, surpassing 10,000 as of Saturday.

No surprise at number of positive cases, large scale testing only started this past week, and is still ramping up. Don’t forget 330 million population, so cases per capita are much lower than many countries. Good news on testing front today with FDA approval of Cepheid’s 45 minute diagnostics test (not a screening test), this will be invaluable in hospitals and emergency rooms.

The numbers I am paying most attention to are the number of deaths and the numbers in critical condition, today that’s 341 and 64 respectively. Considering the first case was January 21, I am somewhat optimistic that although this will get a whole lot worse, the US is not following the Italy trend. New York is a huge worry alright.

It’s beginning to look that is some cases, sufferers go from mild respiratory illness to an overwhelming respiratory distress within minutes/hours, and this seems to happen to younger, fitter patients. It suggests there is an overwhelming inflammatory cascade, resulting an an extremely acute failure of lung function.
In many ways it’s almost like TB on speed. The immune response is often as bad as the actual infection.
Possibly why hydroxy chloroquine may help, though I treat that data with extreme suspicion as I suspect that there is extreme bias in patient selection. Nobody knows.

I wish ye both the very best @Plastic_Paddy
Tell her, well both of ye, be very careful.
In the unlikely event there is anything at all I can do to help, let me know.
I still think if ye more than you’d imagine.
That day, which you won’t remember, that we went down with a team so bad that I got a full game, and drew with ye when ye were in your pomp is still one of my favourite games I ever played in in any sport.
It was a league final from the year before. Ye were half asleep , and beat us by 17 points in the replay :laughing:

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Gas cunts

Cummings is a psychopath.

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Posted this on other thread but probably belongs here. Very good read

New York won’t be that bad. There’s already a kind of lock-down and they’re already done 45,000 tests.

Obvious Cummings was the architect of the UK strategy. He probably passed it onto a few himself the scruffy cunt

Ironic the Sunday Times article was written by Tim Shipman. Cummings is more like Harold Shipman.

The problem is there are plenty more like him in the Tory cesspit.

Went out for spin in in the car there. It’s an unreal sunny morning. Richmond park, Wimbledon common and Epsom Downs thronged with people this morning. All rubbing off each other. People will not do what they are told. Anywhere. I rang the mother there and broke down after it. Grandkids living 10 minutes away and can’t visit.