O\'Brien Signs for Hibs

This thread discusses the Content article: [url=http://www.thefreekick.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&Itemid=66&id=66]O’Brien Signs for Hibs

O’Brien strikes me as being a bit of a kick and rush player who relies on his pace almost solely. Surprised Hibs went for him as he doesn’t appear to be a great passer of the ball nor have the finishing of Sproule. Similarly to Sproule though he is direct which is probably why they looked to sign him. He has probably ruined his international chances under Stauton by going to the SPL. In a few weeks Stan probably won’t remember him.

You could tell within 5 minutes of O’Brien’s first Irish appearances that he was one of those wingers who oozes pace but has no actual skill, tricks, touch or footballing brain and runs down blind alleys all game. A completely rubbish player.

Yeah I havent rated him at all but it will be interesting to see how he does at Hibs. Sproule is quite similar and his finishing was decent in one or two games but for the most part he has little or no control of the ball. Pace and little else.

He always looks like he is playing football for the first time!