Official All Ireland Minor and U20 Hurling & Football Thread (Part 1)

Where was the complaint?

“We’re Cork dogs”

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U-17 a few years back.

No. Did I say it was unusual? Circling the wagons here guys.

Exactly. That’s why Dublin beat Galway so handy

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It wasn’t minor at that stage so doesn’t count

OK mate, hope your weekend improves after this


Exactly what? You are trying too hard again and you know fuck all about football so tread carefully here

That’s a nasty enough comment mate


Hard to believe, congrats man drink it in


Fuck sake these hooligans are singing championeeeeee now.

Lolz. This is hilarious stuff.

Some performance from cbs to beat cbc in hindsight. Cbc are scum. Have you heard the latest?

Dublin beat Galway by 7 points. As you said skill and bravery wins every time

Wer back baby!

Fucking hell. He’s no Festy

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Cyril singing the Banks now.

This could send a few lads over the edge. :joy:


Carkness is certainly back now anyway

This dope either doesn’t know the words or he can’t pronounce them, fuck off Cyril