Official All Ireland Minor and U20 Hurling & Football Thread (Part 1)

To a degree, just fancy Clare to get a scalp and those are good odds imo,

He’s a Galway man based in Down I understand.

You misunderstand

I thought it was the other way round. Only one man can clarify i guess if he so wishes…

You have some hard on for Galway football.

All good football, there is a tradition of it here in Down that is sadly dying as them minor results allude to.

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Well that’s yer own doing, rather than doing something about it you keep deriding your more successful rivals. Cry some more.

The gas thing is you could have driven a bus through the middle of the Louth defence yesterday. Mickey must be going soft in his old age

And thats the response of a lad with no love for the great game, just a desire to gloat over his neighbours. A sort to be pitied.

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Sure all you do is snipe at Ulster football. You were treated to a spectacle yesterday and are bitching about it since.

Self-awareness isn’t your forte.

Now can you confirm if you are a Galway man or not?

I would bother. He really thinks Cork will win but hes trying to put a bit of a safety net in place if they dont.

Dunno, I don’t think it’s as good a Cork team as people seem to believe and Clare hurling clearly has hit form against us recently.

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I haven’t bitched about yesterday’s game whatsoever, just stated that Rian O’Neill and Daniel Flynn are very similar footballers with O’Neill probably having the higher profile, despite the self pitying comments of others looking for a pat on the head from southern commentators. You disagreed about Flynn despite apparently never seeing the lad play, because there are few footballers as naturally 2 footed as him and you weren’t sure if he had a left foot at all.
I’m a Down man, but we have a less parochial approach over here generally which seems to confuse you.

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I disagreed with you comparing Daniel Flynn to O’Neill, 100%. You could have compared Daniel Flynn to Shane Walsh but given your hard on for Galway football it didn’t seem to occur to you.

I think your attitude is a reflection of Down football at present, rather than battle down to improve and get to the levels of a Tyrone and Derry, you are more inclined to go around blaming everyone else for the state of the game.

Most sicken to you to see the defensive dross Galway are playing under Joyce. Luckily for Down they have a great football man like Laverty in there who actually understands the game and is a winner and he’s going to slowly bring Down back into the big time with dinosaurs like yourself coming screaming with your feet kicking and dragging.

I want what’s best for Ulster football. It’s great to see all the teams on a positive journey with the exception of Donegal, you just want to see Ulster football crash and burn if Down are in the doldrums.

Very bitter and insecure outlook.

Galway and Mayo generally have very good teams. The Rossies punch well above their weight. Sligo seem to be doing well at underage now after some awful years. Leitrim is just too small

They hardly let Poacher coach youngsters?

They have big populations, in Mayo’s case they are a GAA mad single code county with a 130k population. In Galway’s case they have a huge population too though it can drift to hurling, seems to be a see saw effect when one goes up the other goes down with football and hurling.

Fermanagh have the smallest GAA population in the country and have put Leitrim to shame in recent years.

Monaghan and Cavan have similar populations to Roscommon and Sligo.

In real terms Derry, Tyrone and Armagh have smaller GAA populations than Mayo and Galway. Derry do have serious potential if they even get a little bit of inroads in Derry city.

Tyrone do very poorly from urban areas, in the 2021 panel that won the AI only Meyler was from one of the main 4 towns (Omagh, Dungannon, Cookstown and Strabane). There hasn’t been a county player from Strabane and Cookstown in around 10 years. Armagh only recently beginning to make inroads into Lurgan/Craigavon/Portadown.

The counties with the biggest rural nationalist populations tend to do best in Ulster.

Donegal was always association football mad, that changed around the McGuinness years but further to the north of the county has always been association football. With the mess with the county board etc now I think Association football is going to become the king again.

Galway has a big population but it’s split pretty much 50/50 between football and hurling. I’d say we have a slightly smaller player base than Mayo for example as football is the only show in town there.

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Cork v Clare on TG4 live in the Munster U20 hurling match tonight. Heard Cork have a few injuries.

I heard they might not.