On the menu

Has anyone seen the above show on city channel. The jist of it is Jimmy Greeley (of 98FM fame) goes around to various restraunts in Dublin and reviews them. The format of the show is fairly consistent in that he goes in to the joint talks about it briefy; then he has a chat with the propiertor and then goes into the kitchen to watch the chef cook something, and that’s where the whole thing crumbles.

As the chef is preparing the food the chef gives a bit of a commentary such as “We will now leave it to simmer.” I cant help but notice how much of a spare pr!ck he (Jimmy) looks standing in the kitchen, he hasnt a fookin clue what to be doing, and resorts to echoing the chefs comments with stupid fookin comments. Here are some examples from last nights show:

Chef: “This will go into the pan for 4 minutes”
Jimmy Greeley: “4 minutes yeah?”

Chef: “Now we add the carrotts”
Jimmy Greeley: “The ole carrotts, yeah?”

Chef: “Now we add the chilli”
Jimmyy Greeley: “Mmmmm, i love a bit of the ole chilli”

Chef: “In the sauce we have some pinapples, fresh salads and garlic”
Jimmy Greeley: “Just remind us of whats in the sauce again”

And when one of the chefs was dicing the carrotts (you know the way chefs can chop vegetables really quickly and close to their fingers) he starts saying: “Wow, i wish I could chop carrotts like that” - why, what fookin use would that be you stupid cnut.

And when the food is finally prepared and given to him, he always starts shoitin out of him about how great and beautiful it tastes. He never gives a bad review: what a sell out.

In summary I think he looks like a total straight laced punter and a spare prick whose after hittng rock bottom.

Does anyone else think that there should be a ban on moving from radio to TV (its a bit like moving from rugby league to rugby union - just doesnt work)? I’ve been appalled by some of the previous switches, notably Martin King and more recently on the sports shows on Setanta Paul Collins (the fookin gimp from today fm, “good morning, Im Paul Collins” - well fook you and you’re family of protestants) and Jim Mc Cabe.

Yours in anticipation…

Exalt for that, well written

Ditto. And who’d ever have thought that Mr. Ox would have the highest karma on the site!

Which leads me to wonder who Mr Ox has not been affected by the recent karma war that seems to have taken place.

I seem to recall you outing me on the old board for my smiting and being smitten during the home&away war, so you know who is doing it, methinks, or cant you do it on the new site?

What goes around comes around, exalt for you both.

Nothing to do with me Rocko, i noticed my Karma dropped over the weekend by one or two points also, perhaps there was a glitch in the changeover??

Anyone actually got any views on Jimmy Greeley?

Don’t know the show at all but I’ll keep an eye out for it - is it a once a week type thing?

It’s on every night 7.30 or 8.30, really is worth tuning in to, (to vomit with rage). City channel. I suggest we all leave work early this evening to see it.

I read this post without even looking at who posted. Imagine my amazement when I saw it was oul Ball Ox himself. Finally something relatively sensible out of him. baba dee dee badap dap, do do do-do

I appreciate all the kudos. But i think people should tune in because its a fookin disgrace.

Follow this link to see some of the bullshoite thats on the show (dont we pay TV liscences???)


yeah but only to poxy RTE for repeats of pure mule and 24.

Do you get city channel on the basic ntl package? I?ve never noticed us having it, maybe we just never tuned it it.

yeah its on ntl basic…

Ps Jimmy Greeley is a spaz

PPS did anyone hear DAVID MATHESON got fired??

Took out someone’s real name there.

i think he should come down to the harbo off a friday and talk about “the magnificent ambiance” when he is having a pint of heineken broken over his head

That could be libellous unless you’re sure of your sources Ox, “quit” is what I heard from the man himself. Either way schadenfreude is an even less attractive side for you than normal.

Cant sue me this is all anonymous… as usual im one step ahead of the law. Actually come to think of it i do anything on this site and not be caught. I slept with a 15 year old! :wink: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: (did i just say that 8))

Its not libellous if its true, law lad, i checked

Saw five ,inutes of this last night, he was doing some restaurant in fairview in dublin, and everything Ballox says about him is true!!

At one stage, the camera is panning around the upstairs dining area, and it zooms on him as he’s having a drink of a cocktail. He acts all surprised, pretends to be embarressed and says ‘everytime you see me i seem to be drinking’ followed by fake laughter.

What a fooking gobshite!!

Yeah he’s some shitebag alright WOW, he’s everything I dont want to be.

Probably his worst moment was when he was reviewing “Darwin’s” restraunt on Aungier street. The restraunt has an “evolution of mankind” theme to it; it has some drawings of apes along the wall showing how they eventually evolved into humans, theres about five or six of them and he goes up to each individual drawing and tries to imitate the expression on the ape/human on the painting. Fookin disaster! I mean what must his parents think of him.

I wish a stingray would nail that fooker