OTB (Off The Ball)

Not a chance he’d be on a wedge like that.


The lad who told the story about his granny dying…

:boy: :cry: :wolf:

It did. You can see it on YouTube

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I thought he was still sports editor. Which google tells me he is not, probably a bit less so.

Little bit of poetic licence. It was our famous friendly victory over Italy in Liege:



What a dope. And everyone in the studio fawning over him about what a great story it was.
I’ve been mugged off good and proper here.

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Does he also own some click bait sports site .

I’d be surprised if he’s turning 60k out of NT.



Dead right. Newstalk are famous for their shite pay. I know a few lads who work/worked for them. Obviously it’s different for PK /Yates but they’re exceptions.

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Podcast addict is what I use, it’s fairly good


No he stepped back when he started the family a few years back and they took on adrian Barry in the role iirc. He’s been around the block a bit already all things considered.

Remember he had the breakfast show

That was pure cringe

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That’s a fierce negative thing to say

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testicles dot ie

I’d say he’s pulling in about 50k per annum at NT, if even that.

Kilbane is probably getting more than him :joy:

Expressing how pure something is surely isn’t negative

Jesus, that’s fucking vicious mate. Could you not have sugar-coated it a little bit?

Guys, I apologise if anybody was offended by my harsh tone

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Yes . Co presenter was Claire Byrne who was not much better.

Didn’t they replace Dunphy after he got sick of the early starts ??

I believe so mate