OTB (Off The Ball)

can you put up a link please @gilgamboa?

Bullet points or screenshots pls Dan.

Hon FotF Ewan.

And then some fucking Captain obvious wades in to point out Newstalk and the Sunday Indo have the same owner

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Basically ewan had a go at the newspaper review show saying it was an ad for a particular paper. Was a dig at Kimmage and the Indo and he is banging on about how Kimmage is always on it and reviewing and praising the Indo work.

Iv listened to it regularly since it started and think it’s best slot of entire week. Never once did I think it was biased towards any paper. Ewan talking shit. Funny how rattled he got Molloy though

Molloy gets rattled very easily

Spat about Otb favouring Indo pieces, Kimmage this week, on their newspaper review slot.

seems crazy to me as it is only January. I also was not there so don’t want to say much more.

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Snap :smile:

What Racing Post piece was Johnny Ward on for?

He wasnt on it today was weeks ago. Can’t remember the piece now tbh. And it’s a complete red herring from Molloy because Ward doesn’t work for RP

Molloy is fuming.

“I’ll stand up for the integrity of the slot.” :smile:


Molloy , Gilroy , Ewan and most of the crew take themselves very seriously . About 90% of the population have not a clue who they are or have any interaction with them . To be fair when your are presenting a SPORTS show for 3 hours each week night it must lead to an inflated ego . Sport isn’t that important to merit that much time.

Didn’t the Second Captains feel they merited longer before leaving ???


Mcillroy is about all they talked about today it was useless,kimmage reading out his own interview for an hour,ive had enough of kimmage now at this stage.


He is dreadful.

I’d say Kimnage would be a hard man to work with . You’d need the patience of a saint to stick him.

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Terrible,they had some other fella with a stutter.Its normally pretty good but having kimmage every week is a disaster

His book is dreadful. Sean Kellys is far better.

Hes had his 15 minutes,enough already

He’d be impossible to work with. He’s an angry little cunt.


He was unemployable till the sindo came along