OTB (Off The Ball)

Movember in January


The much-maligned Newstalk lads do some great pieces.

David Hickey is something else altogether.


I sincerely hope Dr. Hickey is writing a book. He has an outstanding story.


The mind is still sharp anyway :joy:


He’s some raconteur.

‘The French guy was right’ was a twist i didnt see coming.


You ruined that for me !

Harley Street not getting much of an endorsement there

They do but since they put everything behind a pay wall I don’t listen at all.Only on a Sunday evening now coming home from a match but then there’s usually some shitty EPL game on that absolutely no one has any interest in.I used to enjoy the Sunday paper segments.

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I heard a bit of that interview during the week. David Hickey made it sound like there was no sport in Dublin at all until 1974ish. Were the Dubs really that bad before Heffo’s army formed? I have an inkling that I heard before that they were 9 years without a provincial title but sure they were 7 without one between 95’ and 02’.

The year Dublin won the All Ireland they had just been promoted from Division 2 south of the league. They had been in a Division with Kildare, Waterford, Clare, Limerick, Wexford, Carlow and Kilkenny, so things had reached a reasonably sorry pass. With Heffo now on board and a nucleus of a good minor team coming through, they won division 2 outright (Waterford finished third in the South section) and things got moving again. They kind of crept up in the Leinster Championship and things exploded from there.


My understanding was that Dublin had become a total Soccer City during the 1960’s.

Heffo gave GAA a lifeline.

It being straight KO back then would have helped too.I think we should go back to that.It would do away with half the amount of training teams need and cost half as much.Maybe make it an all Ireland open draw as at least some of the “weaker” teams might get lucky and draw a few teams around they’re own level.

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JD just gets it.

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Thw census of 1911 suggests Dublin was always a football city

How the fuck did you let it change

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It still is

David Hickey is an inspirational man… That 1970’s team of Heffo’s was stacked with high achievers, great men - but nothing comes close to Hickey. A man of conviction and principles


Still the greatest interview I’ve ever read.

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David Walsh did a great piece in Magill thinks it was in late 80s/early 90s
Must see if online somewhere

I still have this on most mornings, they still get very good guests. But some of the content, particularly the attempts at humour, can be dreadful. Is there any indication as to whether their move behind a Paywall has been a success for them?

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