Yes ,it’s a negative stereotype that staters tend to put on northern people.
Truagh/emyvale is full of Tyrone sympathisers alright. Scotstown always veered to the Fermanagh side because of the strong Roslea connection
I believe McAnespie Jr will be going with Tyrone in the future if he makes it.
There’s a massive difference between the southern CoI types and the Ulster Prods. The southerners don’t really identify with the scene, although a lot of them are still Richard Chambers, Thatcher loving types. I wouldn’t really say they stick to themselves except in education a bit.
Numbers plummeted after independence although those that remained are now disproportionately better off compared with catholics than they were pre-independence, which is capitalism in action I guess.
The youngest lad plays for Aghaloo now.
I heard a rumour about Mansy riding every Tyrone woman going.
His wife wouldn’t be too happy.
Jack McCarron throwing his hat in with Errigal next year.
McManus isn’t married and he only fucks Tyrone women and only anal. And he’s riding every night.
Tipperary east?
I don’t know what chollos means, a super offer I think it means, but the picture they are leading with could have been better chosen…
Not the sort of snow you’d usually associate with an oasis gig