Outstanding headlines

Nathan For You Television GIF

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Calling @Brimmer_Bradley

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Have to say well done to whoever laid out the front page

The Tipp star is a rag. The Garjun is the paper of record in Chip.

Fairly sound of his cousins to come over from the US for his 80th :laughing:

I enjoyed this.

From the comments. The Baal Network sound like serious operators:

  • FreemansJOurnal 9 HRS AGO

Reply to SeanThomasPoland

Pity Miriam Lord hasn’t comments open on her new article there v good as always. Would say if she had that I agree with Mattie McGrath to some extent.

The Baal Network is creating a new rentier class. In the future, we will have no cash, so we will be enslaved to the banksters who can turn any of us off as economic actors with a few keystrokes should they or their puppet governments not like what we say in these blogs or on Speaker’s Corner.

We will rent our transport, such as cars, and their batteries will run out as do the batteries on our phones, and the cost of replacing them will mean we’ll likely just buy another car with new batteries, the old ones, and their terrible environmental impact, sent to China to be scrapped and to pollute the ground there just as the manufacture of the rare earths in them is the most environmentally toxic process imaginable. Our cars can be switched off remotely, or tracked, and our personal details of journeys and preferences and so on mined for marketing data.

We will rent our phones, and our computers, as we increasingly do now, with the planned obsolescence built in, the Tech Billionaires who produce them aging them out with increasingly more complex OS iterations that will force us to buy new ones, with all the enviro-impact that entails every five upgrades to the OS or so.

We will rent our homes, or rather, shelter, as Irish homes are seized and sold to vulture funds increasingly as has been the case with those thrown out on the streets whose mortgages defaulted as their incomes were raped to pay for the bankster bailouts.

We will rent our seeds, as these will be GM, and the very code of life itself patented by Monsanto and such like, and incapable of producing but sterile grain itself.

We will rend our medicine, vaccine




  • FR

FreemansJOurnal 9 HRS AGO

Reply to FreemansJOurnal - view message

s and other nostrums that are undoubtedly essential to preserve us from new horrors thrown up by nature to try and save the planet from Disseminated Primatemaia, as Lovelock calls the plague of over-population, as well as by the evil forces at work in mankind that can grow cold and tiny hells in labs.

We will rent our old age, stacked like cordwood in nursing homes, which the State will charge our dwindling resources to provide, or attach liens to the legacies we leave our children, such as we have managed to husband from the over-reaching taxation authorities.

We will rent our sanity, on SSRIs and diazapam and over-priced bottles of vino collapso that are a tenth of the cost in other EU MS.

We will ultimately own nothing, for all will be owned by the Elites, except for one thing, same as ever, as Frankl observed in the camps, which is our freedom to choose our own reactions to it all.


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Who got the goal?



I’m calling fraud on this one.

Why would the Spanish police bother their holes doing a DNA test on a random set of false teeth found at the bottom of a bin?

The answer to that is they wouldn’t unless he was involved in a murder or rape investigation that he’s not telling us about.

After hearing Mr. Hunt had 40 previous convictions, she imposed a €105 fine.



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And this beauty.
An international player