Padraig Nally

Padraig Nally, the best Mayo shooter in 50 years, has had his conviction for shooting a Knacker quashed.

Therefore, it is now OK to shoot knackers*

  • [size=1]probably not as a retrial has been ordered[/size]

There were loads of birds sporting Mayo jerseys in Choppers last night. Gave them dogs abuse, useless bottling cunts.

D2 was full of “top fanny” too. Ridiculously unobtainable fanny mind you but nice to look at. Agreed on some of the birds sporting jerseys being not so bad at all. Spent most of the night trying to score Bandage but he wasn’t having any of it. Even walked the fooker home but no sexy intercourse followed. A real shame.

You fool. You mentioned you were under pressure in work and that you were going straight from Copper’s to there! Then you started walking home with me (I definitely thought I was in) and I was still wondering what the fook you were doing walking in that direction today until I remembered you moved house.

Some of the birds in Copper’s were actually a very high standard indeed. A lot of good solid 7s and, dare I say, the odd 8 or 9.

You coming to WhyOhWhy’s going away tonight? If so, maybe that little spark we had on Wednesday night can be rekindled? I saw you looking at my knob when I was taking a piss on your street.

Anyone still talking about Padraig Nally?

I personally think that it is shocking how lightly he has been treated. He beat up a guy, shot him, wounded him, went back, reloaded and shot him again to kill him

No matter how you dress that up, it is murder…

I think it shows up the fatal flaws that are in the Irish justice system

How can a judge tell a jury their verdict?

He shot a knacker, we should be commending him, not sending him to jail.

I’d like to shoot a few knackers; I would like to shoot most of the population of Ireland.


Just read this one now, don’t quite agree farmer. Irish law appears to too often favour the criminal, had Nally not acted and just reported the crime to the cops probably nothing would’ve happened. And yer man would’ve come back. That said I was wondering had the victim not been a traveller how would it have went.

As for Wayne O’Donohoe, now that is scandalous. But a discussion for another day.

I’m with farmer on this one. What he did could never be construed as self-defence. He didn’t have to kill the guy and he had plenty of opportunity to give him a fright or to wound him but he had to come back for more and execute him. It’s completely glossed over because he’s old and the Frog guy is a traveller.

Whether the cops are doing their job or not is not up for review in court. We can’t have a collapse of justice because the Gardai aren’t doing their job. Justice and the Gardai should be kept separate and not dependent on eachother.

Also what was with the case being heard in Mayo? I heard somewhere that it was the first murder case to be held outside Dublin (I could be wrong on that) - geared towards getting Nally off. Its a disgrace.

I remember Eamonn McCann almost crying about that on Questions and Answers. I usually turn off when he opens his mouth but he was right on that one…

I cannot believe Nally was acquitted last night. Even if you think what he did was acceptable most people thought it was inevitbale that he be found guilty by the nature of how he killed Ward.

I cannot understand how beating somebody over the head severely and then shooting them in the back can be treated as anything other than murder.

Shocked and disgusted.

Then to hear someone like Michael Ring on the radio this morning saying the verdict had nothing to do with him being a traveller. And then suggesting that Nally had more of a right to shoot because the guy had 90 convictions. Next time some criminal gets shot in Dublin and Fine Gael complain about the disorder on the streets I hope this prick has the guts to go on the radio and say it doesn’t matter because your man who got killed was a criminal. Of course he won’t - he’ll play his pathetic popularity politics where he’ll waffle on about crime spiralling out of control.

The man is entitled to defend his property. And he did with gusto, fair play to him. I would have aquitted him too.

  1. Ward was not on his property.
  2. There was no evidence that Ward was ever in his property.
  3. Nally made a concerted effort to kill the man, such venom is not defensive - it is offensive

Just talking to Ball Ox here and he said that travellers are not equal to other people - I can’t argue with someone like that

  1. Yes he was. He went around the back of the house about buying a car. He may not have been in the actual house but he was on Nallys property.
  2. Maybe not actual evidence that he was in the house but there had been a spate of robberies around the community over the previous weeks/months and Nally had previously been bothered by the travellers. It appears they targeted him especially because they knew he was a batchelor etc. He became unbelievably paranoid and this was probably the main reason he lost his head.
  3. Nally made a concerted effort to defend has property, he didnt intentionally kill Ward.

Im not saying he should have got off but I can most definitely see his side of the story.

Don’t want to come across as agreeing too much with Ball as his views tend to be very extreme but I’m delighted Nally was acquitted. Seeing as lists are in:

  1. Some people here are saying it was murder - it was not murder, manslaughter if anything.
  2. People should have the right to defend their property.
  3. Nally was put in a situation where it was him or Ward, Nally chose life.
  4. It’s the likes of Ward who are going around robbing elderly people, beating the sh!t out of those two brothers down in Tipperary.

they are not equal. are you tellng me that if you stand outside a halting site that you think they are equal to you, or if you stand outside the latvian embassy do you think you will see people who are your equals? they are not

Look i made a similar point on the abbeylara thread. padraig nally did not wake up with the intention to kill this guy! he was provoked. he wasnt the bad guy. the traveller was the disfunctional member of society not pn. i shudder to think that we should live in a society where the rights of criminals are prioritised over the rights of victims. its one more knocker off the street.

we have a constitutional right to defend our property

I’m shocked at Farmers stance on this to be honest, Nally seems to have the backing of the rural community and I expected Farmer to toe the line on this one. You’ve disappointed me Farmer, you’ve come to live in the city and you’ve lost your rural identity. How would you feel if it was Farmer Snr or a neighbour of yours involved?

I am appealing to all forum members who support Padraig Nally to upload his photo onto their user profiles in solidarity with the man.

i feel so strongly about this that i am buying a round in the pub tonight for anyone who will drink to this man’s courage

Im with you Ox. They should erect a statue of this man in Mayo.