Paris Olympics 2024

So, just from memory, without looking into it:-

  • big dispute between IBA and IOC over control of boxing. IBA is corrupt as fuck, largely Russian controlled. IOC takes over for these games.
  • IBA let it slip that there are 2 female boxers, or boxers fighting in the women, who have failed some kind of gender or testosterone or chromosone test recently. Exact nature of test isn’t completely clear.
  • IOC arent having it
  • these 2 were born as women. Both have fannies and neither have cocks.
  • they’ve both been living as normal women their whole lives
  • they’ve both been fighting in the womens for years without winning much
  • this is some kind of chromosone thing that neither knew they had. This seems to be the first that either of them have learned about their fucked up chromosones.
  • IOC say the test is flawed or wrong somehow and everyone just carry on. The IBA have an agenda
  • The IBA announcement or leak was actually first made on some Russian government telegram group.
  • people are freaking out. The internet and Trumpist anglo-american “cultural right” think it’s a war on women. This is domestic violence really if you think about it.
  • tough week for the two girls.
  • some Italian fanny is fighting the Algerian and quits first punch she gets. I heard descriptions of blood everywhere all over her shorts but when I watched the video I didnt see that.
  • maybe that Italian girl’s nose was broken anyway, it isn’t clear.
  • the Algerian wins gold. The Algerians seem to be right behind her. Dont know what happens to the Chinese, maybe she wins a medal as well
  • the end.

London was great, but its legacy is tainted. A LOT of doping went on in 2012. It was also a jingo fest for the English that gave us the Kremlin sponsored Brexit four years later.

Sydney was good. But my abiding memory is of Sonia being beaten into silver by a cheat. Timeline wise it was bad.

Barcelona was fantastic. I’ll give you that.

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Not to be cynical but if they were men, why didnt their opponents hit them below the belt if they knew they were going to lose? Get disqualified yes but prove the point they were men.

Its funny how below the belt is illegal in womens boxing, naturally brought over from the rules in mens boxing. Saying thst a punch to the fanny is painful so im told but not as much as the nutsack.

As we say in Limerick. Kick her in the fanny kelly

That sounds plausible. Any centrist dads confirm or quibble with any of those details? Graham linehan types on Twitter are literally saying it’s like Kenny Egan going in bayting the head off Kellie Harrington.

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A LOT of doping went on in 2024 and every other Olympics.


We’d a boxer who bate the heads off her opponents regularly at this level….

Go to bed you cunt

I’m not looking for your input

It’s clear what you’re looking for….

Should a dopey cunt like you not be right wing?



Yes, but London 2012 particularly stands out in my mind. Only overshadowed by Seoul in this regard.

Kellie Harrington beat the Algerian all around the place in Tokyo in 2021. Battered her. The Algerian jumped up a division from 60kg to 66kg. I don’t know many men who aren’t jockeys that could operate on professional sport at 60kg. The extra weight likely gave her extra power.

There was another clip of the Italian from a previous fight a couple of years back where she appeared to just give up and trip herself up. There was a view that the Italian was on the take for a crew who wanted to highlight some anti IOC agenda.

Anyway, the Algerian won. The Algerian supporters created an atmosphere and got behind her. She boxed in the semi finals the night of Kellies final and most of the Algerians hung around to roar for Kellie. Anecdote ends


The whole thing sounds like one of the most clear cut cases of Twitter type misinformation and spin I’ve ever seen. There isn’t even really a two sides of the story. She’s been a woman all her life. She’s literally not a man yet half the world is fully convinced she is.


Who were the big dopers in London? Farah?

Going though the different Olympics it’s hard for me to imagine many of the gold medallists in the high profile events were anything other than dopers.

I mean in Sydney you had Maurice Greene and Marion Jones and Gabriela Szabo and the Dutch swimmers Inge De Bruijn and Pieter Van Den Hoogenband and that’s just off the top of my head without looking at the medals list.

2008 in China?

There’s no effing way the likes of Sydney McLaughlin are clean.

It’s always instructive how host countries win a shed load of gold medals. It doesn’t happen by accident. The US ramped it up in the Athletics in particular this time. They’ll get 60 gold medals in LA. The Aussies are beginning to ramp it up too ahead of Brisbane 2032. They got 18 gold medals this time. That’ll rise to 30 by Brisbane. The Brits got 29 in 2012 and 27 in 2016 off the back of that. They’re on the downslope now with only 16 gold this time and that’ll probably go down to 10 or 12 in 2028.

The Chinese who beat Sonia always stand out in my mind as such a brazen one. Either that or turtle and sweet potato soup

It’s only the brazen ones people remember. “Brazen” ones in the popular imagination generally come from China or Russia or East Germany or some Arab country. The Chinese swimmer Pan who smashed the 100 metres freestyle record by 0.4 seconds would be an example this time. The Bahrain athlete Naser in Adeleke’s race too.

Sydney McLaughlin would never be considered “brazen” because she’s from the US. The Jamaicans aren’t considered “brazen” because we like the Jamaicans because aren’t they so cool and colourful and chilled out and shure didn’t they produce Bob Marley. We don’t consider the Kenyans and Ethiopians “brazen” because shure don’t they all live at high altitude with the gorillas in the mist which means they’re gifted natural runners who don’t feel the need to dope. These are the stereotypes people like to believe anyway.

Look at the stuff going on in the Tour De France now though and the times being posted going up Plateau De Beille. It’s laughable. They’re smashing the times the EPO boys of the 90s managed to smithereens. Doping isn’t a cycling problem.

I suppose we had our own brazen serpent once which slightly disturbs my point.

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The Americans on the track were filthy this time round. The way they popped the Brits every time was funny though.

The Brits have probably always been filthy - the Linford Christie era (presumably Sally Gunnell). The Paula Radcliffe era, now their drugs czar. The London 2012 era, Mo Farah and Greg Rutherford who came from nowhere.

The Aussies I don’t know much about but as I understand it Thorpe was clean for the first half of his career or so. By the time he beat Phelps, no.

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Thorpe was gifted but he had his eye wiped by Van Den Hoogenband in Sydney in the race that really counted, the 200 freestyle. The Dutch have always been a leading doping nation.

He didn’t have his eye wiped in Athens.

Hocker in the 1500 metres on the track this time was a right laugh.

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The headbangers are calling Katie Ledecky a man now.

Great dopers have great excuses. Turtle blood, Kenyans live in the mountains (ignoring the fact that we’ve never seen a tibetan long distance runner or a Chilean one) Jamaicans have fast twitch fibers (they only discovered that recently though they were fuck all use before hand) and team Sky had marginal gains. It wasn’t the drugs you see it was where you sit on an airplane that makes all the difference