Paris Olympics 2024

Michelle Smyth’s vagina produced whiskey


If somebody had told the FAI that we’d have won the World Cup.

No, couldn’t return the ball from kick off which they put their best man under twice. It was the fairest thinkgin the world really. The top man also knocked on just before the line. Lot of brilliant players come out of Leinster in the last few years, but Keenan is just a relatively fast strong game lad who is usually good under a high ball. The Ulster kid Osborne actually opened the Irish attack in SA. I think Keenan will end up off the right as Farrell likes Osborne anyway.

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If you’re a decent doper and you’re caught, you’ve got to miss the test. You’ve also got to hammer that shit between targets. Disclaimer, the guys and girls we know are doping are very possibly the best athletes anyway. Marion Jones was some fucking eejit.

The Taiwan woman won her gold medal as well, like the Algerian she didn’t lose a round through the entire competition and some of her opponents protested at her inclusion. I don’t think either are able to box at the next world championships due to the different rules there, but the rules in that are set by a corrupt organisation.

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2012 Kelly Holmes, hardly clean? Was Jessie Ennis just very talented, possibly? I remember defeated track cyclists referencing the Brits and their “magic bicycles”

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Sir Chris was Hoy as a kite

Get her doing something else, anything.
Swimming is your life

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Kelly Holmes medaled in Athens

London was as you say, but still a great Olympics.
I think this was the best ever. Id reckon the doping in London was less overt than previous Olympics. This Olympics looked reasonably clean until the yanks took to the track and field, and, of course, the Chinese swimmers.

Definitely primary school

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The three you’ve named, most undoubtedly, and Kelly Holmes don’t forget, but by and large they are clean. Like ourselves. There’s quite a few of them and ours who train and live together.
I think RA is the most natural runner out there, but the wheels come off compared to the others in the last 50 as she naturally tires, and others unnaturally don’t.
I think that on the whole the Brits are running clean. The dirty ones stand out. Like us really.

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Classic, it’s like a Donald Trump tweet :rofl:

Yeah she battered the Polish girl who was only 20. Much taller so had the reach to jab away.

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The Italian girl’s role in this seems incredibly shady. That Algerian fighter has been on the circuit for years and no one has spoken about her having some sort of Deontay Wilder power yet this lady took one reasonably straight right hand and immediately proclaimed it “the hardest she’s ever been hit.” I don’t buy that and I think this lady was either in cahoots (love that word) with the IBA or, at the very least, saw an opportunity for 15 mins of fame.


Even though the Pole made an Olympic final she seemed well out of her depth against the Taiwan fighter. The 2 at the centre of the controversy were the only 2 to win all their fights by unanimous decision (not counting the abandoned fight) in the women’s competition. Two Uzbek fighters in the men’s won all their fights by unanimous decision as well though.

You couldn’t be up to the Italians