Pat the Baker passes away

From rte news:

The death has taken place of the founder and owner of the hugely successful ‘Pat the Baker’ bakery in Granard, Co Longford.

Pat Higgins founded ‘Pat the Baker’ in Longford town in 1953.

The company still has its headquarters in Moxham Street in Granard and has been the town’s largest employer for the last 50 years and more.

AdvertisementPat the Baker provides employment to over 400 people through direct employees and self-employed agents.

Sad stuff

I read that this morning. First for freshness no more. Pat himself has gone a bit stale now. Whos next to go, Johnston, Mooney or O’Brien?

Hate to say it, but I switched to Hovis

A toast to Pat!

People will be very upset the length and bread of the country.

Really sad to hear he’s brown bread. We should all raise a toast

You cant use the same puns Flano. You could’ve said ‘another one bites the crust’ or something like that.

I hear there’s tea and sandwiches after the funeral today.

Dead as a dough-dough

Did they cremate him?

Would be hard not to make gags at the funeral if so.

Fats wrote:

Did they cremate him?

Would be hard not to make gags at the funeral if so.

I’d feel the knead to anyway

Flano wrote:

Really sad to hear he’s brown bread. We should all raise a toast

This was actually the headline in The Star the next day. ‘Baker Brown Bread’ - a tad insensitive