Barney 4-3 Taylor
Barney whitewashes Taylor to take a 4-3 lead.
Time for the coup de grace to be applied, now.
Taylor was a mile away with that treble 17 attempt on the 161.
Good hold from Barney there.
This is the chance to break.
Ah here, what a 123 from Taylor un fucking real.
FFS sake.
Hold here and there’s still a chance to take it in the deciding leg.
Deciding leg in set 8.
Barney one away.
Barney missing plenty of doubles now. But eventually gets over the line. Taylor throwing for the set 2-2.
Nice 140 from Barney there to take the advantage.
180 from Barney he’s on the brink.
Come on…
Barney wins 5-3
Barney nails bull to win.
H’on Barney.
Take that you sex offending cunt.
Barney wins it on the bull.
He’ll have to raise his game significantly or MVG will wipe the floor with him.
Hon Barney. Unreal. Will the sex offender retire?
Yeeeeeessssss Barney
Barney’s superior pedigree psyched the sex offender out.
He’s a better player than Taylor and will go down in the pantheon of darting history considerably ahead of the sex offender.
And Taylor knows it.