People who are beginning to give me a pain in the hole

That one with the red hair looks like she is made out of spare parts. Thrown together.

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Pity I can’t retweet that




This Thursday night clap for the NHS workers is really giving me ire. Dont know why. Maybe I’m just a grumpy old cunt but it pisses me off.


Stay strong bro

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I don’t think limerick has the nhs…sit out the next one

its only a pissing contest now, a pure cod, gimps letting off fireworks and playing bagpipes so they can post it on social media


With all the scumbags in A&E with association football tops on, it would look like an NHS waiting room.

Then going back in and hammering seven shades of shite off the wife


Mike, you seem to have a very unhealthy interest in the tan world, with my RTE1/2 and TG4, there is little or no reference to the fucking NHS


Too much time on my hands kid.

Count your blessings M​:+1::+1:

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This Thursday night clap for the NHS workers is really giving me ire. Dont know why. Maybe I’m just a grumpy old cunt but it pisses me off.

You can sing that these Nhs workers and our own frontline heroes are the same workers that successive governments here and in the uk have been nickel and diming for decades and will do so again as soon as this crisis passes.


It won’t be long before Mike is on to accuse them of being lazy public servants that bankrupted the country.

Leave it go now.

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Yet another clerical entry, that self-promoting asshole Fr.Ray Kelly.
Interested primarily in keeping his gob in front of the camera. Possibly a COTY nominee.

I see they’re at it again tonight

Fair play to you Mike-y. Hope you’re getting stronger and looking after yourself.

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