People who are beginning to give me a pain in the hole

Oirish begrudgery.


The boys think because she doesnā€™t spake loike a bogger, that sheā€™s forgohhen her rutes.

Iā€™d try to forget Carlow too if I was her.

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She was home schooled in Carlow. In fairness the parents had the good sense not to let her in contact with the Scallionahers for fear that sheā€™d never again be able to pronounce a T.


People in glasshousesā€¦

Our plans to annex Carlow continue to deveop under the radar.

whilst not writing this, she was part of it and does her no favours in this discussion


Iā€™d look to another border if I were you. Take a lesson from napoleon and the third reich. Take one choice morsel and regroup.

Sheā€™s hardly the first actor to feature in an unfunny sketch?

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The muldoons love fuckin June Rogers and Nathan Carter but hate one of the best actors in the world



She shoulda known better, thats for sure.

Plans are too far advanced.

You couldnt make it up.

no definitely not. She doesnt bother me a whole lot, but thats a really shit sketch.

Canā€™t believe itā€™s taking this long for her to begin to give you a pain in the hole. What an utter utter cunt she is.

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How come every time sheā€™s on TV shows she has a different variation on the irish accent?

She is only going to get worse as she hangs out with those in Hollywood.

Because she likes to drive lads insane on the INTERNET.

Canā€™t say Iā€™ve noticed that much lately mind you.

What a fucking bogger Oirish statement :smile:

That Wicklow crowd will only bring out the worst in her.

Ah thereā€™s the sniveling little wretch. whose hole are you sniffing around today?

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You are a shocking homophobe. I hope your kids are taken from you.

Sorry Taz, I snapped there, its this weather warning it has me on edge.