People who are beginning to give me a pain in the hole

You’re right. @tank is a hypocrite.

I’m not taking the side of anyone. I just wouldn’t take the word of a bullshitter with vested interests as gospel. You’re naive, that explains your stance.


Limerick of course is a bastion of a progressive society.

You are. You’re siding with the sex abuser. It appears to be a Tyrone thing.

No I’m saying that there is absolutely no proof of Sadlier being abused. I find the timing of his claims and the fact that the alleged perpetrator is now dead as convenient.

Sadlier strikes me as a narcissist.

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Yes but you are a terrible judge of character. Another Tyrone characteristic.

I think Tyrone people are very good judges of character, with the exception of the area of sexual abuse

I’m not siding with anyone. Sadlier seems to like making timely (woe is me)admissions that keep him in the column spaces. The timing of his latest claims and the fact that the alleged abuser is an unnamed man who is now dead should automatically generate suspicion.

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You are you’re siding with the sex abuser. Tyrone people seem to have a massive blind sport when it comes to sex abusers, why is that?

I’m not siding with anyone. I don’t know if there was abuse or if there wasn’t. - neither do you, I happen to feel that Sadlier is not a very credible person.

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They can’t see out from behind the blanket defence

Of course you do, how very Tyrone of you.

Im involved in coaching ages from 14-17 and it always amazes me how polite and well mannered 95% of them are. Committment is also excellent.

Completely at odds with the usual narrative about teens. I guess there are plenty of them do fuck all as well except glued to the phone


You’re spending too much of your time trying to launch rash attacks on my impregnable defence. I think it’s time you had some introspection.

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If only victims of sex abuse had an impregnable defence

If only Tyrone has an impregnable defence.

Grammatical mistakes? What is up with you today?


@glasagusban prides himself on policing grammar on here.

Grammatical mistakes is a grammar mistake.