People who are delighted to see big Phil gone

I’ve no love for Hogan. It’s the curtain twitching I’m against.


Not too bothered, I suppose he should have resigned earlier. The “optics” were all wrong. Guaranteed 90% of the population broke the same rules or similar to him last week. He always came across as an arrogant fucker though.

David Frost.

it was the Brits who gave the examiner the original story


Ming and Matt Carthy



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The micks fell hook, line and sinker for it.

Carthy has a serious roaster head on him there

Lads suggesting a man with a negative test was putting lives at risk. The LIDF crew must be delighted today behind their curtains.


Brenda and Nuala.

Yes you’re 100 percentage correct that prick Gilmour was a neighbour and I met this langer along the road

looks like mark foley

Stop spamming ever thread with your Pretend IRA propaganda.

@balbec unreal

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Stop spamming every thread.


Rent free


It’s been a bad few days for @ChairmanDan what with Rule Brittania and Crooked Phil both getting the boot and now this

Paddy is the big loser with Big Phil gone, but with Paddy in a state of permanent outrage, the penny hasn’t dropped and Paddy doesn’t see the bigger picture. It was inevitable once the story broke last week, with the coalition of all sorts that was lined up against him as to what the outcome would be. Heroic rearguard action from Big Phil to hold out for a week.



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You’ll excuse me if I don’t value your opinion. Last weekend, you thought big Phil was away Scot free and that only silly Paddy thought he could put pressure on him to do the right thing. That he had no case to answer to the Irish people and if he did, it didnt matter. Conversely, you felt that justice woulfe was in serious hot water and there was now way hed be in the job once the chief justice awoke from his trough induced slumber. Turns out you were completely wrong on both counts. Fancy that. Paddy will be just fine I’d imagine.