People who are stealing a living

Could it grow his hair back?

I’m in my element

Actually vomited a bit inside my mouth

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The only thing he will transform is your departmental training budget into his wallet.


Lovely to see UCD looking after one of our own

Dead right


You’d deserve sectioning if u paid to see that amadan

itll be recorded to be available to all staff who couldnt make the live event

Micah hyde

Duffy surely has to be shitting it.

I’d say Joe hardly gives a monkeys at this hour of his life. His money is long made.

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I reckon a muddying of the reputation a la Ryan would in fact hurt him a fair bit. I expect him to quietly exit in the near future.

Was he not wailing recently about having no pension? They’ll have to drag the cunt out

If he hasn’t bought a pension at this hour of his life with the money he has been making he’s some fucking eejit. It’s not Rtes job to be looking out for him.

Imagine moaning about having no pension and you on 350K a year!

Joe Duffy opens up on losing his private pension for the second time in 10 years -

Fuck him

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Either Joe is lying or his accountant is telling him some awful porkies a la Gay Byrne and Rossi Walsh