Permutations Thread

All-Ireland football semi-final draw permutations:

If there are wins tomorrow for Dublin and Derry:
The semis cannot be Kerry v Dublin/Monaghan v Derry. A draw will take place to determine if it is…
Kerry v Monaghan/Dublin v Derry
Kerry v Derry/Dublin v Monaghan

Wins for Dublin and Cork:
Semis cannot be Kerry v Cork/Monaghan v Dublin.
A draw will take place to determine if it is
Kerry v Dublin and Monaghan v Cork
Kerry v Monaghan and Dublin v Cork

Wins for Mayo and Derry:
Semis cannot be Kerry v Mayo/Monaghan v Derry.
A draw will take place to determine whether the semis are:
Kerry v Monaghan and Mayo v Derry
Kerry v Derry and Mayo v Monaghan

Wins for Mayo and Cork:
Presumably a completely open draw as all possible permutations involve one tie where teams have already played each other. Kerry have played Mayo and Cork, but Mayo and Cork have also played each other.


What a gorgeous table. Succinct and easily readable.

It’s a glorious fusion of Excel and MS Paint.

Takes away all the unknowns. Someone send that to Frehill. His head could explode tonight

The original version of the table I saw earlier in the week inexplicably had “Wal 4 - 2 Ire” instead of “Sco 4 -2 Ire”. I can only presume the person doing it out put in a lot of effort and got tired, hence the error. This updated version has thankfully been amended.

I hope the Dazzler doesn’t have the original version of it.

@Cheasty can you do the needful on current state of play in the Sam McGuire

The situation is fluid.


Croatia are out

2pts no good?

They have a very slim hope.

All the following results have to happen:

England have to beat Slovenia 3-0 or better
Serbia have to lose to Denmark
Portugal beat Georgia
Turkey beat Czechia

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Serbia hammering Denmark would also do. By at least 3 though.