Pints later?

Already I can foresee a shite day workwise so I am throwing this out here now

Our options are limited due to Bandage’s inability to behave himself so I will throw McDaids out there again

I will be heading to the Harbourmaster first as is tradition but will head up there for around half 6…

Another 50/50 from me but I’m hopeful this week.

im up for that, wouldnt mind venturing out further up harcourt street (ie diceys or the odeon)

I have just been reminded about the Leinster match - McDaids wouldn’t be the best place to watch it. Although it is quiet(ish) and there is a decent telly over the door…

Like Rocko im 50 50. What time are the D4 blues kicking off?

Obviously I don’t want to go over the top tonight what with GRAND SLAM WEEKEND coming up on Sky on Saturday and Sunday but I’ll probably go for a few pints alright.

im going on the locko tonight!

Bandage, are you going mental tonight?

I was in town for the few hours and I have to say conditions in there are ample for getting wasted.

Count me in Ball, I’m gonna get fooking locko.

PS: Remember the one that isn’t one too many, then go up to the bar and get pints of vodka.

You’re trying to do too much with that last sentence - you should have said ‘know the one that IS one too many, then go up to the bar and get pints of vodka’

I really noticed a feeling of anticipation amoung Irish people in town today. i think they are bracing themselves for the storm.

Our chances of getting locked? Fairview

I tried to get a consensus when I was in town and the results are as follows:

Getting wasted and still pulling a bird - 14% (like my good self and steamboatsam will be!)
Getting absolutely fooked and having to go home early - 18% (like farmer last week!)
Getting relatively fooked and going home when the bird rings - 26% (like rocko will be!)
Getting a little bit inebriated and rushing home about 10pm - 31% (like ball ox last week!)
Getting everyone’s hopes up that you’re gonna get locko with them then not turning up - 11% (like cullyeile every week!)

new year, new ox - New York