Politicians you admire a lot

Noonan and Lenihan. Two men thrown into a nightmare role and they saw us through.

I always found Martin Ferris to be a man of great integrity. Somewhat bizarrely perhaps given his background. But a man with the courage of his convictions and no bullshit.

Of the current lot Doherty is impressive. Easy from the cheap seats though.
I do find Coventry impressive as well. Although I think we’ve yet to see what he’s truly made of. FA is a tough gig, but you aren’t going to piss off many Irish people fighting with the Brits.

Jim Kemmy

Before my time, but he was a thoroughly decent man by all accounts. A true socialist, without the champagne.

O’Malley as well. Perhaps one of the true visionaries of Irish politics.

Paul Keating

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Mikhail Gorbachov


Vladimir Putin, absolutely.

Should O’Malley have stuck it out though?

Arguably yes.

Limerick is as far away from a taoiseach as it ever was sadly.

Probably tad controversial but David Irvine ended up going down the moderate route and imo did a lot to bring the two sides together up there


The Late Late show view there

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From behind the bar in the yacht club


Lovely use of the word, it was invented for that fella

Sean Lemass

As was cunt

ROD. A politician you can believe in.

I’d also respect John McGuinness and Lucinda Creighton, even if I wouldn’t necessarily agree with their politics. Both would have been senior Cabinet Ministers if they’d kept their heads down and gob shut on certain issues.

Most of the current mob like Varadkar, Harris and Martin will take a particular stance on an issue due to the public mood at any given time. Not an ounce of backbone.


The Healy Reas. They may come off as xountry bumpkins to the well heeled metropolitan types but they look after their people. Danny in particular makes ridiculous sounding sweeping statements that get ridiculed but if you read into the subtext of what he says it boils down to the continuous decline of rural Ireland and how the governments actions are causing it.

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Can you give examples please?

Crettin more like


Last week Danny asked whats the difference between dame Street and rural Kerry. Why are pubs in kerry closed and the justification is aligned that a dame street incident would happen again. At the time kerry had no cases for almost 2 weeks iirc why a vast majority of new cases occurred in Dublin. He was asking why should rural Ireland be tarred with the same brush as Dublin and be under the same restrictions

What about the house party in Killarney?

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None of them were from Kilarney iirc and patient zero was tested prior to travelling from dublin awaiting results but ignored advise to isolated. Personal responsibility on that person