Politicians you admire a lot

The same can be said of all wars unfortunately.

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Whoa here a minute
 Dinny the MĂșinteoir I take it.
We were both in the boys school in town in the late 1960’s. I was filling in, sans qualification for Master McGuinness. We occasionally had a few pints after school.
He was an odd, argumentative man with whom my interaction stretched to a couple of pints 4/5 times. There’s an underlying story here that I’m not familiar with.

I’m only messing with you - kind of.

Not really an underlying story but more a story known by every 10 or 11 year old young fella who had the misfortune of having him as a teacher. He beat seven shades of shit out of them. Some of the occasions were when he was hungover following some Cork match. He would be hated around Mohill by a generation now from mid 30s up with many remarking to me previously that they had intended to confront him before the animal croaked it from too many brandies.

Corporal punishment was part for the course then, Dinny probably wasn’t blessed with patience. Some of them young townie bucks would, I imagine, test a more compassionate man. You’re giving sympathetic ear to too many bar-stool professors in Cusacks.