Post a picture that reminds you of a TFK poster (now incorporating videos)

Health. Choc full of salt and cutting back on red meat. We tend to do a big mince every now and then thatll last at least a couple of days and then a steak sometimes. No sausages either.
We do do rashers as they are savage easy for sambos for school.

Solidarity with the ukrainian fighters on frontlines?? War diet. May as well be getting rations above in the Joy

No. The sketch ridicules traditional irish pastimes by presenting them with the other shite. I’m no fan of irish dancing but i know plenty who like it and it’s great exercise and sport for kids.

So you’re saying there aren’t people like that?

I like a bit of traditional Irish music meself but I don’t object people calling it diddly aye, which is a term of ridicule.

I’m sure Irish dancing is grand exercise but that doesn’t take away from its essential ridiculousness.

The sketch has done a great job of exposing the reactionary, humourless, censorious minds in this country. It struck a raw nerve because while it’s a caricature there’s a large element of it ringing true. If you’re confident enough in the quality of your pastimes, music or sport, you won’t be offended by a bit of very gentle winding up.

I mean Iove the GAA but I bejaysus I love a bit of GAA ridicule.

I love Oasis but I was highly entertained and amused by that classic article by Neil Kulkarni which ridiculed Oasis’s music and fans and made an association between Oasis and Brexityness.

Perhaps that’s because I’m not a po-faced, humourless right wing bore like the perma-offended getting offended at this sketch.

The thing about the sketch you posted is that it’s about as funny as a dose of the clap.


It’s wound up the performatively offended headbangers beautifully.

If only they were as offended by genocide.

racist self loathing shite, funny or otherwise, has no place in a childs textbook

It wasn’t a wind up ffs. It was in a genuine school text book aiming to educate children/teenagers about inclusiveness.

I always find it instructive how lads spend a lifetime denying racism suddenly reach for the racism card when their performative outrage is triggered.

Yes, and?

You’re offended because you identify with the non-inclusive people?

only a moron or a wum wouldnt see it as racism/ icitement to hatred


Family b were dressed in the fashion of other cultures because that’s to be celebrated , looking Irish is backwards … To be fair to sid, he probably couldn’t see the other family.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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He’s fooling nobody.


Ah sure thats bollox. If you depicted a black family as gangster rappers eating nothing but fried chicken youd have a worse reaction obviously. It’s lazy as fuck and so poorly done as to not be funny at all.


But it didn’t depict a black family as gangster rappers.

No it depicted irish people as racist and insular. It’s utterly ridiculous. You like it cos you knocked a day or two out of it.

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@Tim_Riggins library


Shit. I liked that without thinking

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