Posters you expect are posting under the influence of alcohol

No mate, i have two spare couches not two spare deck chairs…

What do ye drink at the weekends, Dunph? Instead of Pimm’s like?

I like a pint of biere de garde, it’s an ale.

Surely measures such as pints are now confined to the colonies. The Dunph must be some type of concentration camp…
Sleeping on chaise longues… :lol:

Totti seems to be well sauced

Anto is either pissed or on crack. And if I did’nt (sic) know any better, I’d reckon Jimmy is the same.



What time will Boxty be on posting after the table quiz? Is it worth staying on for a few hours?

Boxty was unable to post after the table quiz …I was in the fucking horrors in fact. The lads in the club gave me a lift home, complete with the bottle of Powers I seem to have won in the raffle, along with a €50 “for my efforts”.
I’m moving to the “hangover cures” thread in short but am confident that a large brandy and 2 cool Heinekens over an hour or two can steady the ship.
Fuck table quizzes and daycent clubmen…

[quote=“Boxtyeater, post: 668477”]Boxty was unable to post after the table quiz …I was in the fucking horrors in fact. The lads in the club gave me a lift home, complete with the bottle of Powers I seem to have won in the raffle, along with a €50 “for my efforts”.
I’m moving to the “hangover cures” thread in short but am confident that a large brandy and 2 cool Heinekens over an hour or two can steady the ship.
Fuck table quizzes and daycent clubmen…[/quote]

Hang in there. Throw up a few of the hard questions there.

:pint: :wave:

Did ye beat Crusheen?

Won by a point according to the auld lad

To curers :pint: :pint:

5 quizzes in the past 6 weeks and no team/table has as yet correctly answered what I’m now deeming “The Boxty Diamond”…
Name the nearest capital city to Australia…

Name the Irish player who was top points scorer at the 1991 RWC…
Name the first person returned to the current Dail…
In which US state is the statue of Liberty…
Who owned the wonderful mare Dawn Run…
Name the only sequel to film to win an Oscar for best picture…

All googleable so don’t rush with the all-correct round of answers…

The old cure of brandy and more has gotten me through the day…

:pint: :clap: :lol:

Godfather 2

Wins a “let me look here”…Bottle of wine…

go to bed you toothless drunk

Rattled…Stage 5. :ireland: