Presidential Election 2018

Which is precisely why, after voting for them for years, they will never get my vote again. I would, however, consider giving Liadh a personal vote if it was to get Twee and Labour out of politics.

It was lovely to see Gemma get a nomination from Laois County Council.

The political equivalent of a team who is rooted to the bottom of the league winning a game after they’ve already been relegated.

Still won’t stop her supporters crying conspicuously and hoping to get picked up by a wandering television camera.

Talkin’ when you should be listenin’ .

there so fucking toxic, they won’t even put their name on posters :rofl:


Just like when their pro-abortion posters didn’t mention abortion.




They want to be FF so badly they’re stealing their ideas

Did I say something incorrect Choco?

Nearly every time you post.

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a party for degenerates and scumbags on Council Estates, the archetypal pretend ira man’s party in the south, they like to portray themselves as becoming mature and becoming a proper political party and all that, but the mask is never long in slipping


SF are dead to me. They’ve sold their soul. When Adams stepped down, that was the end for me.


We must meet up and you can give me lessons on how to be perfect. Actually, scrap that thought.

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MDH currently 1/8 with Ladbrokes, Sean Gallagher next closest at 13/2. Already looks like a done deal

Gallagher was 1/2 favourite the last time before the debate. They’ll need to get some mud to stick to Michael Twee though

Might throw a few quid on Gallagher for a bit of interest. Appears to be the only half-credible threat to the incumbent.

just hammer the little bollix on being a labour head and that hes a liar with expensive tastes. all washed down with the revelation of the 15k per week walking around money tax and audit free.


wouldn’t touch Gallagher with a barge pole. the brown envelopes and Glenna lynch haven’t gone away.