Presidential Election 2018

I’m a whore for likes so I’ll leave it up a while

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The drink has unearthed a half decent poster deep within @Tank . I’m shocked at these revelations about Sabina.

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Are you confusing the little fucker with davi d Norris?

Do you remember the time Norris had a young foreign lad shacked up with him and he led rte into his house above off Parnell street for a documenraty and the young lad was only after getting out of the fucking bath and he walking round Norrises bedroom in a silk dressing gown. Morris and the tongue hanging out of his head the fucking pervert.
No way could a man in public office get away with that if be were a hetro sexual
A fucking disgrace and I’m not supri sed that little socialist bastard would be at something similar

Nell McCaferty


On that note, two things I meant to say but I’m a bit tipsy and forgot:-

Firstly, I’ve a sister who works in a major Irish showbiz agency that represents a lot of Irish media personalities, comedians, actors etc. The showbiz gossip she gets is class. Basically the story going round there is that back in the 70’s Michael D. had a habit of getting a little “handsy” with the young male journalists who were sent to interview him. She would be similarly leftie-liberal to me.

Secondly, yeah I agree he’s the type who could easily turn out to be a paedophile.

Some decent posting from @Tank


He’s having a very very good couple of hours

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You have an interest in poetry?

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Jaysus, they did well having four kids so

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Anyone that plays at golfing should be immediately disbarred from standing for election.


He must be shit at golf if he’s aiming for the water.


I see the greedy dwarf is drawing his college pension


It’s a good tactic in fairness. Get someone nobody has ever heard of, stick her on posters without any reference to Sinn Fein and hope the vote is split and she sneaks in.

It’s their only hope. Any mention of the Shinners will repulse the majority of the electorate.


The phrase champagne socialist is thrown about with abandon but if there was ever a phrase designed to describe Twee, this is it. What a cunt. Or maybe to use his own words ‘a wanker just whipping up fear’.

So it seems that Twee, when he told us he wasn’t drawing his University pension, was lying. I can’t say I’m shocked.

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So Higgins’ antics are as bad as anything that was there before. It seems that his former driver and now adviser was parachuted into a job and paid from pone of those funds not open to scrutiny.


I think Peter Casey’s presidential bid may just be an elaborate WUM.


So why does a role supposedly “above politics” need a political advisor?


Good question. An entire cadre of them. More well-connected insiders.