Proposal to shut down the forum for Cheltenham week

In a noble stance against animal cruelty

20 signatures needed and Mac will close the forum

Signing in

Signing in.

:clap:[quote=“Bandage, post: 894753, member: 9”]Signing in.[/quote]

Surely, we can we get an exemption for Bayan’s race?

Surely, we can we get an exemption for Bayan’s race?[/quote]


[quote=“The Wild Colonial Bhoy, post: 894758, member: 80”]no

March is the worst time of the year for TFK due to multiple horsey and rugby football threads.

Not only is there the usual “Sport of Kings…” and “Cheltenham” threads, you get multiple separate “sign in if you think this horsey will be beaten around the field quicker than the other horseys” and the subsequent “I was right about this horsey being beaten around the field quicker than the other horseys” threads.

The forum should definitely be shut down.

Signed in. Gambling does untold damage to welfare of those horses.

Signing in.

Signing in.

Signing in. Great Idea.

Signing in, time to make a stand. Can we do the same for doggy running week?

No signatures so far then

Signing in.

Will @Mac do the right thing or is he too beholden to Ivan Yates?

signing in

[quote=“Rocko, post: 894864, member: 1”]Signing in.

Will @Mac do the right thing or is he too beholden to Ivan Yates?[/quote]

It depends if thelockes makes his golf forum available or not.

Tora tora tora

any luck finding that suarez conviction you were wittering on about last night ?

Fuck off foley with your racist shit to the thread i called you to task on, you make me sick to the pit of my stomach .

you said suarez had been convicted, i asked which court and you legged it like the cowardly snipe that you are.