Rabitte to resign at 3.30

I understand Pat Rabitte will resign this afternoon at 3.30

Fook off, ya serious!!

I did not expect that one!

I did expect it though I didn’t receive confirmation from my contacts until today. He is in his 60’s, had a disappointing election and looks likely that Enda Kenny will be FG leader by the time it comes around. They can hardly go in for another Mullingar accord again which has already been tried and failed. In addition Rabitte could hardly go into government with FF after his comments on them. Means he had little option but to resign imo.

Surprised because I didn’t know it was on the way but it makes sense for Labour. Crucial time for them now. Do they go for more of the same in someone who will cosy up to the mainstream or will they go back to their worling class roots. I’d go for the latter for two reasons:

  1. Personally I’d be more likely to vote for them if they were a proper labour party
  2. They’re getting diluted in the rush to the centre ground. They need to carve out an identity for themselves and should be doing that as a left wing party. Copying the Labour model in the UK is useless because that’s a much bigger party and more national model they’re comparing themselves to.

well if he is resigning he obviously needed some dutch courage first.
just passed by him as he was coming outta davey byrnes on duke st

Why am I only finding out about this now?

And is he really in his sixities? Never would have thought that…

I got it wrong. He is actually 58. Really shouldn’t make a difference either now that I think about it.

I’m glad he’s outta the leadership picture now, maybe we can now finally have a Leaders Questions on a Wednesday without a fight between the Chair and one of the deputies.

Oh wait that feckin eejit John O’Donoughue is in the chair, feck I take back my statement!!