Rats - A thread about Cats

Fuck that. Burn the whole thing down

Now they know.


What about the other 500 of em.You think that fella was a bachelor?

He didn’t shit himself which is unusual. I’m presuming all that shite White Bread backed the poor fucker up good & proper.
What the jaysus Bread are you feeding your family?


A ratconteur


The grown up rats will be seething you killed one of the small lads


That fella looks ancient, probably dying of old age and sacrificed himself to throw the townie cunt off the scent for the other 800 of them.


That must have taken you half the night.
I’d love that on a t shirt.

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It’s no wonder they infest locations when you have a bunch of try hards refusing to call the pros.

Why has the one rat got a Mack and hat on and the rest are naked at a funeral?

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lads calling for terriers here.

That lad would ate a terrier.

full vietnam mode needed here. Napalm and lot’s of it

Everyone grieves in their own way mate

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He emigrated to America during the recession and has notions now.

He’s at a funeral, standing statically out in the cold.

he looks to be wearing moccasins as well the uppity prick.

so are the others…

there is another lad pissed drunk and asleep. These rats have no decorum

I poison all over the place in the corner of the back garden, the shed, always gets a nibble now and again. the attic, kill them outside and they won’t come in.

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Have you tried putting their head on a spike at the door?

That is profound.