Fair play. Rare on the outside must be some kind of innovation

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Poached liver was due a renaissance

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A cod of a thing. Boil in the bag meat.

Real men dont let their wife dictate their diet to them

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Or the doctor/dietician

What about the future of your children?

My children will be far better served by living in a country with a strong and varied agriculture industry where rural life and a healthy balanced diet is valued.

Best of luck homeschooling the kids



Meat production does as much damage to the planet as cars/trains/planes combined — the excuses and bullshit you meat eaters tell yourselves to justify stuffing your faces is akin to a smoker brushing aside their filthy habit.

You’re weak and your half arsed excuse above is weak.

You’re killing the planet and your kids and grand-kids will suffer.

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That’s what I thought as well, but had to pretend otherwise as it was bought for me by one of my kids and they were getting a bit agitated about my failure to get excited about it.

I can now report that it had a sensational result. It brought a slab of meat to exactly 129.2F over 2.4 hours and resulted in the tenderest most succulent flavor imaginable. Having said that it’s back safely in the drawer and I’ll probably never use it again.

All that estrogen in the tofu you are ating has made you hysterical.


That’s guilt lashing right there.

Your endocrine system must be in an awful way. Go veggie if you want but ditch that tofu ffs sake.

I eat it once every two weeks… It ain’t a problem.

One place setting?! You fat lonely cunt :rofl:

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By God, he has you rattled to within an inch of your life. :smiley:

Stop following @ironmoth around like a little puppy.

3 times in 8 days :flushed:


Quinoa porridge again today – it’s a lovely sweet treat in the mornings.

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So rattled the poor fella can’t even count plates.

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