I wouldn’t have vegetable oil in the house anyway, I usually fry in rapeseed oil (or butter)

Rapeseed oil is vegetable oil.

Olive oil is as much a vegetable oil as rapeseed oil

I like coconut oil and I hate eggs

The things some lads zoom in on.

Do you know how hard it is to produce Coconut oil for ye hipster cunts? Give it up lads.

when it gets too hot it literally is a carcinogenic. You might as well commit suicide, I thought myself and progressive thinkers like @KinvarasPassion highlighted this issue about 8 years ago


Incorrect. Olive oil is not processed and has no pro inflammation fats.


Especially Genco Pura, that is the very best stuff

It’s staggering how people are still eating vegetable oil in this day and age.

My missis buys it. My preference would be for olive oil. Has a more “natural” taste if that makes sense


Some fellas making an awful show of themselves here

Olive oil is rubbish for cooking even at a medium heat, you’d have a house full of smoke, I use olive oil uncooked generally, I’d always have a good quality bottle of extra virgin in the kitchen.

But this will get boring very quickly now.


Have you seen what I cook?


cooking with olive oil :sweat_smile: :rofl: some lads haven’t a notion ffs

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Lads still buying into the myth that saturated fat is bad for you. Apes like @Thomas_Brady and his crusade against red meat. Lard and butter are the only two oils allowed in my kitchen, bacon fat preferably.


Huh? 98% of my diet is red meat.

[quote=“Tierneevin1979, post:6686, topic:26584, full:true”] Lard and butter are the only two oils allowed in my kitchen, bacon fat preferably.

All in the space of 15 minutes

Yes, but I’m an accomplished chef, not an amateur. Olive oil is ok for amateurs.