Myboyblue is a dosa


Is it open all afternoon ?

I propose that an image be mandatory in this thread

According to Google it’s open til 8

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A smashing bit of gravy with your steak chef.

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Throw up your Diane recipe if you would.

I started off with a diane that sort of turned into a diablo and then into some nameless concoction which I’m very fond of but the original diane I’ve lost.


I start with chopped shallots or onions, saute them in oil and butter with sliced mushrooms and add a few minced cloves of garlic. Then toss in a half shot of cheap whiskey and flambee, turn down the heat and add a tbs Worcestershire, 1/2 tbs dijon, cup of good quality beef stock, and let it bubble for a minute or so. Finish it with a few tbs cream and a bit of chopped parsley if I think of it.


Can see the origins there of this:
chopped up bacon in oil, then chopped\sliced garlic. Sliced onions till they soften and then the chopped mushrooms for a couple of minutes
paprika, cayenne and soy (amounts - personal pref)
very good glug of whatever wine is about (you go from sauteeing to boiling here)
tomato puree
decent sprinkle of mixed herbs
simmer for 20 mins

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There’s your diablo I assume. I don’t like soy in steak sauces but personal preference as you say.
A simple pepper sauce is delicious as well, lashings of ground pepper, brandy and cream.
I’m getting hungry now.



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I’m not usually a huge fan of straight up pasta and bolognaise type dinners, but I made an absolutely sensational one there.

Carrots, onions, garlic and smoked pancetta cooked off in the pan.
Added a glue of red wine wine
Then some browned mince, passatta and water.
Cooked it off for an hour.
Some of the cooking water from the Rigatoni at the end to loosen it up again.



You’ve drank half the bottle by the cut of that sentence


They call this an Andouilettw


I don’t see the sausage??
I made the mistake of ordering that in a small village in Brittany one time, it’s not great

Chips with a deep fried mickey

Good smoked pancetta and good passata gets you most of the way there.

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There under the cream sauce. Wouldn’t eat too many of them. But it was just about edible.


Hope you’re having a great time fagan, and that you’re able to switch off and forget about things like celebrity spotting etc. Tou deserve a break imho

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