Having the first purple sprouting broccoli of the season for the dinner tonight.


Mudderajaysus lock the thread.

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That looks just about as close to perfection as you’ll get in every aspect. Outstanding.

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It does, but I’d be questioning the white pudding. Doesn’t look great in comparison to the rest of it. Actually looks deep fried which is a non starter.

I’m given to dismissing your opinion, not because it may be spurious but simply on the basis that I’d absolutely tear that to shreds in minutes. This is probably exacerbated by the fact that I only had fried spuds and 2 fried eggs for my tea and I’m already peckish. As you were.


The puddings look shite

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In the interests of fairness it wasn’t my own creation. The pudding may well be deep fried. I couldnt have cared less in fairness. Bit of a porter head on me so as i was in lucan i ventured into Ryans Village cafe for sustenance.

This was the jumbo breakfast and accompanied by tea and toast set me back €10.50. I opted for no beans or tomato and they offered me an extra slice of bacon instead. Serious value and very tasty.

A no frills establishment but as good a breakfast I’ve had in a while.



What’s with the non-alcoholic beer? You on a diet?


Builders fencing around the outside of the coup so?

Fair play to you, I’ve been humming and hawing about it for years but your post might actually be the boot up the hole I needed.

Ya, a great job and moved it to a different spot handy enough this time around too. We’d have an issue with neighbours dogs passing through our back so I’m slow leaving them roam.

Is it Pine Martin proof? Woke up to a murder scene years ago and haven’t had the heart to buy back in

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The house itself is impenetrable so once i remember to lock them in they’ll be fine.

Its my own dogs that most of the damage over the years

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Game changer from Tucci

He has a lovely show on bbc2 on a Sunday night where he ambles around Italy ating and drinking to his hearts content.

You’re mixing him up with culinary guru @Spidey .

Both of them would have the same jaunty man about town wardrobes I bet

Stanley will be sauntering around Italy in 5 minutes on bbc 2 in 5 minutes

I’m honoured