Ravenous Part Deux, the cheap likes thread

I’d say your van is filthy mate, would you ever give it the odd hoover?

who’s with you, bro?

Its just him and 82 empty coffee cups mate

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We can see the reflection of your big gomey, dopey head on the knife.


Sick fuck, posting your puke on this thread.[quote=“Brimmer_Bradley, post:8700, topic:22211, full:true”]

It was only alright.


It’s always the about the knife with the limerick lads.Isn’t it.





It’s great that I still have it.
A few comments thrown in last night and another few today and I’ve the usual gombeens rattled to an inch of their lives.
One lad trawling back through thousands of posts to try and land a blow.
Great stuff altogether lads. Keep up the good work.

I swear to God, imagine being ooooffted by a plate of beans and burnt Donegal catch :rofl:

Did you finally muster up the courage to directly addres me ? You’re a big boy now.
Maybe that desperate single mother that’s stringing you along helped you to man the fuck up.
Maybe you picked up a pair of balls from one of the fathers of her kids.
I’ll bet at least one is them is still giving her a shot between the legs every so often, most likely when hes picking up or dropping off for the weekend.

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I know. Ah sure the old mob mentality is kicking off now.
Gas the way a few posts over a 12 hour period can drive the simple lads demented.
It’s a gift I have really.

No. That was your mother’s vaginal discharge.

I just spotted the comment underneath the plate of beans about picking stones :rofl:
Picking his way through the trust fund I’d say the same lad never worked an hour in his life

At the rate he loses on the horses he’ll end up picking stones. Can’t hold down a job or maintain a relationship. Your wan gave him the heave ho over losing all the money.
Can’t say I blame her really.

He’s only a young lad, you should give him some pointers on how to maintain a relationship.


It’s very rich for you to be advising anybody about holding onto a woman.