Re: Bed Times

Generally turn off the light just after midnight and rise at about 7.15am. Would really like to go to bed earlier but I find it depressing when you get home from work at around 7 - 7.30pm, cook food and eat by 9pm and then off to bed at 10pm. It’s like you just sleep, work, sleep, work. Madness.

My times fluctuate all over the place. If I’m playing Pro Evo then I rarely get to bed before midnight but if it’s a tv night then I can be in bed at eleven sometimes. No matter what I find it difficult to get up in the mornings - usually eight o’clock or half eight.

Generally in bed before half eleven and up at around half seven - sleep is good

I generally get 5-6 hours during the week(only had two on monday night / tuesday morning). On the weekends its generally 10-12 hours. Im actually surprised at how early most of you seem to get to sleep

why are you talking like you are constapated?

Lately I have been living while barely sleeping - I went a few weeks there sleeping on average maybe 2 hours a night. I was going to bed on week nights around 12.30am, reading for a while and then trying in vain to sleep for ages before finally getting some kip around 4am but then waking up around 6am. Even Sunday and Monday night I was awake all night. I’m not outrageously tired either - although the computer screen in work starts to fook up my eyes around this time.

I don’t know if there’s any underlying reason for this. I can’t say there’s anything major bothering me (well see the ladies thread!) that’s keeping me awake. Work is pretty scheidt but then I always thought that. Maybe I just need to hit the hard drugs for a while and see how I get on.

I always make a point of trying to get 8 hrs sleep. Like last night: I was out doing a spot of wednesday night drinkin - because im a mad bastard, legend, and i looked at the clock. “Fook! Ten o clock” so i legged it out of there, go a joe maxi, told him to step on it and he got me home at 10.25, so i was in bed at 10.30 to get up at 6.30. Genius, 8 hours of prefection.

Try and get more than that out of your lives if ye can