Re: Colds and flus

Agree with the early night idea Ball Ox - before you go to bed steam your head with some Vicks, always does the job - will take about three days depending on strength of the cold

Went on the lash the last time I felt a cold coming and I seriously got fucked after it so I don’t know about that

Suppose what I am saying is tthat here is no easy solution imo

A large whiskey. Just one though.

Now is the winter of our discontent,
Colds and flu will torment

On mid week drinkin i am hell bent
Its the start of the month, my money is not spent

The dark and dreary winter, my spirit it took,
About John Kerry i dont give a fook

What i want to talk about is the war in Iraq
Yes, i know its a though nut to crack

But there is no time to slack,
they are there for a while, there’s no going back

Pity about the job im doing,
This bitch is a goon

Are ye goin for a pint?

Poetic genius.

I was seriously stuffed up yesterday and went for a few pints and I feel fine today

Nuff said…

the splan? oh the splan were mad for it