I genuinely don’t think Rabbitte will lead Labour into a FF coalition. It’s hard to know though and if the numbers mean only FF + Labour is possible then they’ll find a way with or without Rabbitte. I think they’ll lose a couple more TD’s along the way though.
Yeah that’s certainly the get out of jail card he’ll use if he does change his mind. It’s that or Sinn Fin.
To be honest, and I’ve been saying this for ages now, I’m not voting Green Party number 1. It’s not much to do with me, though I do support most or nearly all of their policies. Anyway personally I’d prefer them to go into government with FF rather than not go into government at all. I’d like a far better transport system and I believe they’d deliver on that or at least get the funding and projects in place so they’d be delivered in 5/10 years.
I don’t actually think it would necessarily be a good move for the Green Party though - look at the state the PDs are in. FF get all the credit for everything that goes well and the PDs get all the blame for everything bad (much of it deserved).
Obviously the Green Party aren’t that similar to the PDs on any front so they’d trigger different sympathies with the voters but I think when you go into power with FF it’s very hard to emerge with credibility intact.
Still if they go in I think it will be a better result for the country than FF/Labour so I’d take it.
Waiting for Piper to shoot me down on this.
It started badly but it’s picked up the last week or so - which is reflected in the polls. Eamon Ryan went down very well on Questions and Answers last night.
Anyway they’re more interested in individual constituencies really and it’s hard to imagine any of the sitting TD’s losing their seat. Probably Gogarty might be the weakest of the sitting TD’s but he’s safe enough.
Beyond that White and De Burca are expected to get in. Brolchin will be closer but should do it and then Dearey in Louth, McKenna in Dublin Central and McDermott in Dublin South Central have reasonably good chances.
So no matter how they’re faring nationally I think they’ll do well enough for seats.
Eamon Ryan went down very well on Questions and Answers last night…