As regards sorting out the club luckily as an owner of the club ill be able to sort out the club if needs be
Well sort it out then
your valencia point is lost on me
Why the outrage when there’s violence in GAA but not when it happens in soccer?
Are you a racist as you follow a club whos fans racially abused a black player?? your blaming SRFC for the actions of a drunken teenager
The incident was years ago. You keep asking for recent examples but don’t hold yourself to the same standards. It is a measure of how Celtic have progressed that you’d get thumped if you tried to be racist at a Celtic game. Nobody intervened at the Drogheda game, it got brought to the media’s attention (by Drogheda) and the club issued a statement. Why didn’t the fans intervene?
The SDCC are building a stadium for themselves - SRFC will be renting it - is that hard to understand -no one is building a stadium for SRFC. The SDCC are providing a facility for soccer fans in Tallaght & South Dublin.
If SRFC had never sold their ground the SDCC wouldn’t be building a new one.
booing of minute’s silence: a minority. Hard to stop the booing of a minute’s silence because you only interfere with the silence. Like when Celtic fans tried to stop Barca fans from jeering the minute’s silence for Madrid victims.
songs about Ibrox disaster: extremely rare. Never heard them at a game or on television. Not popular or widespread and certainly condemned by the vast majority of people
Mols: it’s abuse of a player. Nothing to do with racism/nationality or anything
Reyna: one person. Blown out of all proportion. Not the worst thing you’re likely to see at a game
None of the above are done by large sections of the support, contrary to your statement.
It’s npthing to do with his race. It simply wouldn’t be acceptable if it was racist and I wouldn’t be defending it. Because Michael Mols is “non-caucasian” doesn’t mean he was exempt from the slagging other huns got.
Here Raven you not it’s not racist so stop pretending you think it is.
For the record calling someone a monkey is not necessrarily racist. Of course it’s not. If the comment was derogatorarily aimed at someone from Africa it could certainly be construed as racist depending on the context.
Mols is of mixed Asian and caucasian ethnicity. He is therefore neither “non-caucasian” nor African and frankly you know all this so quit the outrage.
Raven, you’re taking the pi$$ here. You know Celtic supporters call Rangers players, all of them, ‘hun monkeys’. If you posted that Mols accusation up on the Celtic forum we’re all on you’d be laughed out of there and using your term earlier I don’t think you’d have the balls to do it cos you’d be making an absolute and utter show of yourself.
Yes, ia agree. Monkey should be reserved for black people only.
Lads this is ridiculous, call somone a monkey is widely regarded as a racist term towards blacks. Like “porch monkey” it doesnt sound too bad, if you dont know its history of use, but it has serious connotations with people of African descent.
Lads this is ridiculous, call somone a monkey is widely regarded as a racist term towards blacks. Like “porch monkey” it doesnt sound too bad, if you dont know its history of use, but it has serious connotations with people of African descent.
Yeah so it’s racist if the person is black but if they’re mixed Chinese - European then it’s simply not racist.
My point was that if you call someone who is of any other descent, other than of African descent, a monkey doesnt really make sense because its used to degrade black people
i know we are going over old ground here Raven and we will never agree on the Nally/Ward verdict but at the end of the day Padraig was found not guilty of murder and I think it’s a little unfair to call him a murderer.