Exalt for noticing and I think the whole karma thing might now be fixed.
Smite for being a steamer.
Think I finally understand how the karma rules are operating at the moment. You can exalt and smite different people immediately and you can exalt someone then smite them immediately, you just can’t do the same thing twice within 2 hours.
I’ve now added a Google Video code so you can embed videos from google video into your posts.
The syntax is:
Click on the google video button (beside the youtube button - I’ve fixed the images for these buttons) and paste the video id (code of numbers on the URL of the video) in between the “[gvideo]” tags.
So if the URL of the google video is “http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7123942324547593503&sourceid=docidfeed&hl=en” for example then put the 7123942324547593503 bit inbetween the [gvideo] tags.
We seem to have lost the ability to change our user names - can you advise?
Also minor point (but i think i deserve an exalt - you have spelt “general sport” wrong on the home page.
Hey there blimpy boy…
did we have a record number of members online today?? lets try beat that. everyone log on from 10 till 11 am tomor?
Its tough to beat the record when you send pms to every new member threatening them to get off the board!!!
pffff, typical of you bandage backing down from a project such as this
The odd ad is appearing on the site now - unlike on the old board these ads aren’t for the benefit of anyone other than thefreekick so feel free to click on any you find interesting and it might help the christmas party fund.