I think you probably don’t have javascript installed or something. I’ll work on something more accessible.
Just saying that I need to log in although I am logged in
Are you logged into thefreekick.com or logged into that whiteboard? Did you put in the password ancicsaor anywhere?
I am logged in as farmerinthecity automatically when I entire the site
Tried to get into the whiteboard but it just says I am not authorised to view this page. Tried going into the arcade games and the same happened
Can you log back out and then log back in again and see if the same still happens.
Can either of ye try the tactics page again and see if it works. I’ve changed some settings but if it’s still not working for ye - no need for a password this time by the way - then I’ll try and start with something else.
It says an invalid id session was created!
Right scratch that. Click on Astro Test 2 on the left hand side then click on the picture of a pencil and draw on one of those pitches and see if it works for you.
Hurray, I wrote my name.
Where did you write your name? How come I can’t see it? Did you see pictures of 4 pitches?
Ok so I’m reading this book called the Hurlers by Paul Rouse (which incidentally is a very good read) about the first hurling championship in 1887
He refers to a goal where a phalanx of Meelick players rushed the opposition goal with the ball and scored a goal.
I’m sure a modern variant of this would be both highly effective and legal. A group of say ten players advance in a disciplined formation on the opposition goal protecting a player soloing the ball. The formation opens up on the edge of the small square and your man blasts the ball to the net.
Not pretty but a goal nonetheless. Repeat 7 or 8 times per game. No legal way of stopping it.
You attempt to tackle the man with the ball if your stopped by someone of the flanks it’s a third man tackle and a free out?
The phalanx doesn’t tackle. It just keeps moving forward. The other team tackles.
But you can’t block someone from tackling the man with the ball.
The future of hurling:-
An advanced version of red rover
Waterford and their fucking tactics