plus you’re only a fookin blow in, we are unlikely to be accomodating you. if it was me on the other hand, they would be accomodating, thats because i am a hero memeber and you are nada. Get out of my face
PS rock, is there another level above hero member? If not can i propose we add a “Legend” status for those who get to 600, keep it interesting, i mean people want to be acheiving something
My main worry at the moment is that it will be an absolute sausage fest. I think we should all take it upon ourselves to try to tempt as many females as possible to join the site.
To begin with I would just like to apologise for my sexist comments about ladies football on the GAA thread!
I’ll try and get the bird to come but not sure she’ll be interested. One of my mates has long hair so I can tell him to tag along maybe. Have you decided on the venue Bandage?
No venue decided as of yet rocko. I am now canvassing the views of members re the party on this thread. What do you reckon folks?
Obviously there are one or two of us with an emotional attachment to Bar 51 and they’d allow us to pick the ‘chooooons’ for the night and give us some platters of food.
On the other hand it’s a bit away from the cut and thrust of town. Also, Monday night, despite it being Christmas week, might not be that busy so somewhere in town could be better for atmosphere. Much to ponder over the next few days.
Baggot Steet area? Doheny and Nesbitt’s? O’Donughue’s?
Speaking of O’Donughue’s, I always had a fondness for the one at the bottom of Grafton Street formerly known as Thing Mote. Good tunes in there and good beer
Baggot Street area would be ok as long as it’s the Stephen’s Green end - we do want to keep it relatively central. I suppose it all depends on what Bandage has planned for the event.
Did you ever hear of a band going into studio with a producer to record an album and after a period of weeks or months they suddenly abort the recording with nothing to show for their efforts? Well that’s how I feel after devoting the last couple of weeks to Y2K6XMASPTY. I feel I have let tfk and all the members down. I have nothing to show for my efforts - zilch, nada, nothing.
The tfk emergency response committee will be convened prior to the Damo Dempsey gig tomorrow night and we would hope to have some details on Thursday morning regards venue, time, dress code etc for Monday night. You will then receive a formal invite via pm or email.
As for potential venues I wouldn’t mind getting away from Kehoe’s alright. I don’t like that Thing Mote place and Doheny and Nesbitt’s would get a firm ‘NO’ from me. O’Donoghue’s, well maybe; McDaid’s, too small and Sheehan’s, just don’t like it.
I’m off to revisit the pubs thread from the old board.
The Duke is a bit of a kip (I know we’ve drank there before though) and I think Bruxelles is a dump. Hairy Lemon is a good call imo. Reading the old thread there and Whelan’s gets decent reports across the board - might be worth considering.
Laugh out loud moment from the old board. steamboatsam on why toilets are of paramount importance in deciding on your pub of choice:
'For me it’s all about the toilets. Firstly there must be individual urinals - nothing worse than having your personal space invaded by some turnip muncher trying to barge in between you and the next guy at “the drain” and then invariably splashing his product over some combination of your shoe/trouser leg/ hand/chest. It’s also pretty annoying when one has to stand in a puddle (a puddle that seems to be constantly topped up) while making use of these “drains”. This means a choice must be made between destroying ones shoes or standing 2 feet back thus increasing the amount of backsplash and putting oneself on display for any wandering faggoteyes.
Having said that, it is quite difficult to find a really suitable urinal - correct height, correct width and roundness of bowl and presence of a mat. Anything less than the full complement of the above characteristics can (and does) result in an inordinate amount of backsplash from ones own and indeed neighbouring urinals. How annoying is it to feel the splash on your hands and have to go to the inconvenience of washing your hands after every hit & miss, particularly when there’s some fook expecting money for pushing the tap down and handing you ONE SOLITARY paper towel.
Someone once told me the backsplash problem was not with the urinals or drains in question but with the urinator and the angle at which he urinates. I find this ridiculous - there is no correct angle; what if one has an involuntary semi?? what then?? how can you adjust the angle to take account of this after a skinful of pints? Impossible.
The centenary stores in Wexford town do a good urinal…stainless steel aswell…and not the cheap looking kind.’
Flano, the tfk Y2K6XMASPTY will be taking place in Cassidy’s, Westmoreland Street on Monday, 18th December, commencing at 7pm. Some of us will probably be there before then. Official invites to members will go out tomorrow via pm and email.